§ fifty-two §

21 1 0

She took off her shirt and jeans

and, for the first time,

she got a good look at her body.

She looked terrible.

Her bones were poking out,

so sharp they could cut through her skin.

Her limbs were literally skin and bone.

She looked like a skeleton.

She began to cry,

sinking down to the floor,

hugging her knees.

She heard a light knock on the door.

Cam. Shit.

[ He can't see me like this. ]

She tried to get up, but she couldn't.

She was too weak.

He knocked again.

"Faye, you okay in there?

How's it look like?"

[ Absolutely terrible. ]

"Fine," she tried to say

without her voice wavering, but failed.

"Faye, are you crying? Why?

Did you hurt yourself or something?

Come on, open up."

She managed to twist the doorknob,

opening the door for him

to see the monstrosity that she was.

To see all her flaws.

"Faye? What happened love?"

She just shook her head

and hid in the corner.

She had opened the door,

forgetting that she was

almost completely exposed.

Shit, shit, shit.

"H-how... could..."

She couldn't speak clearly

because of the sobs racking her body.

He kneeled down on the floor

in front of her and wrapped his arms

around her frail body.

"I'm here. It's okay," he whispered softly.

She kept crying until she managed

to mutter between sobs,

"H-h-how c-could you...

w-want to b-b-be wi-with

some-o-one li-ike me?"

He sighed and lifted her up

so that she was standing.

He looked at her reflection

in the mirror, and she hugged herself.

[ He can't see me like this. Exposed. Damaged. ]

He skimmed his fingers over

her skin and bones. She cried harder.

"Sorry. Am I hurting you?"

She nodded.

He sighed and said, "I told you,

I'm not after good looks,

which you do have.

You're beautiful by appearance

and by soul."

She shook her head. "I'm a disaster."

"Aren't we all?" He chuckled

and picked up the dress long forgotten

from the floor. "Come on."

She put it on, and she looked

more beautiful than ever.

"Woah. You look great Faye."

[ Shit. I'm in deep. ]


But n-now you have to try on a dress."

Slowly but surely,

an amused smile made its way

to her face,

almost as if she wasn't just crying.


woah 397 words when its only supposed to be like 150?? i have outdone myself! XD

tell me whatcha think.


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