§ fifty-three §

36 6 0

"Get out of there Cam!"

"No! I'm afraid I might

destroy your eyes

because of my fabulousness!"

She laughed. "You won't,

I've said it a million times."

"No, just 5."

"Irrelevant. Just get out here.

You promised, remember?"

With a sigh, he opened the door,

but then shut it immediately.

"You just come in here."

She laughed again. "Okay, okay."

She stepped into his dressing room

and laughed at the wondrous sight before her:

a grumpy Camden in a pink flowery dress.

"I look terrible!"

"No, you're fabulous!"

She was dying of laughter.

Before she could completely die,

she managed to snap a picture of him,

and this wasn't left unnoticed.

"Faye! Shit! You better not..."

She continued laughing, running around,

phone held high in the air.

"I'm so gonna post this!"

Deciding that it was somehow worth it,

he ran out of the stall and chased after her.

It must've been a sight to see,

both a girl and a boy in dresses

running after each other.

Sadly for her, he was able to run to her

and snatch her phone from her grasp.

"Hey! No! Don't delete it!"

"Promise you won't post it first!"

"I promise! Now please give it back!"

He did.

They both laughed.

And they were still laughing as they

were being escorted out of the store.


"Well, that was fun," he laughed.

"Most fun I've had in a while.

Thanks for today.

And for the dress as well."

she said, smiling the Faye smile.

"Well, it's getting late.

I'll see you tomorrow?"


Mustering all that she had in her,

she pressed a kiss to his lips.

It was fast and soft,

but sweet nonetheless.

When she pulled away,

he looked at her dazed and breathless.


"Okay, um... bye!"

She ran to her house,

leaving Cam in his dazed state,

biting on her lip to stop the wide smile

from spreading across her face.

thanks for making blinded sight #320 in short story. like seriously.

this chap is dedicated to Libra-The-Dragon cuz she deserves it. don't be too hard on yourself. :)

and i changed my username to quidditee. also it was my brother's birthday yesterday. that's why no update.


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