§ thirty-one §

35 6 3

You have been 'hanging out'

with her a lot lately.

She didn't really complain much.

She liked the attention you give her.

It made her feel


[ It wasn't the same as how he made me feel. ]

He has been trying

to hang out with her,

but you were always with her.

Once, when she and you were eating,

she recalled when you

called her your girlfriend.

"Is it real?"

"What is?" you asked,

your mouth full of food.

Full of sin.

You didn't even notice

she wasn't even eating.

[ How thoughtful of you. ]

"This thing. Us. You and I. Is it real?"


She was hurt.

You didn't seem so sure

you wanted to be with her,

and it hurt her.

[ You're hurting her, Dipshit! ]

He wanted to scream at you

from where he sat.

Call him a stalker, but he really cares.

He really likes her.

"Not right now, no.

Will you be my girlfriend?"

He was praying now.

[ Please don't say yes. ]

[ Please don't say yes. ]


You grinned. "Now it's official."

He scowled. [ Ah shit. ]

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