"There won't be any dying," Reese states firmly.

"I don't mean your death, I mean the death of others...like Damien. If either one of you have a problem with killing I need to know now."

Reese doesn't look at me, it's obvious he's talking about her.

"I won't kill just to get people out of the way, if that's what you mean."

James nods, "Fair enough. Might not need to kill at all knowing Damien, he'll probably be the cause of his own death."

"Where is Damien nowadays?" I ask, wondering if the little weasel just decided to drop of the face of the earth after giving me some bullshit excuse about giving me some time off to 'enjoy my family'.

"In hiding. He pissed off a few of his suppliers, immortal and mortal alike. The coward is somewhere in Louisiana staying out of sight."

I snort, "Figures. You know the last thing he said before he gave me my time off was that it was important that I keep an eye on you?"

James smiles, "I don't expect anything less from Damien, he's just the type to go into hiding but still have people doing his dirty work."

"If only he knew what we have planned."

James chuckles, "Exactly. If on he knew."

"If only I knew," Reese snaps, "I mean, I think I deserve to know since I left my child in the hands of another woman in order to follow Dominic blindly into danger."

I wince, "I didn't lead you to danger Reese-"

"Shut up Dominic. I'm trying to keep my composure right now but I feel like I'm going crazy.You two are sitting here talking about Damien as if he's a joke when you know damn well he has connections that could destroy everything you've worked for. As I've said before, and will say again, I have someone important to live for, this immortal shit is not worth my life."

We're silent after she stops her little rant, both James and I looking at each other expectantly.

He clears his throat when he realizes I have no intention to respond to her angry statement," With all due respect, I wasn't sure if you could handle the truth Ms.-"

"Baker. But call me Reese. And, I can assure you, I'm fully capable of handling the truth. If I can handle all the shit Dominic has put me through I'm pretty sure I handle whatever you have to throw at me."

James chuckles, "Touche. Dominic, care to explain?"

I curse under my breath, figures he'd leave me to explain this shit.

"You remember Lee?"

She nods.

"He's being played. Damien is using him because his OG status strikes fear in people who otherwise wouldn't give a damn."

"I take it Lee doesn't know he's being played."

James chimes in, "No. Not yet anyway."

"But just because Lee seems a bit dense that doesn't mean he's completely oblivious," I continue.

"So he has his suspicions?"

"Exactly. Which is why he's been meeting up with his old connects, introducing them to the immortal life, recruiting young bucks to raise an army of sorts."

"An army?"

I nod, "An army who's first goal is to take out Damien and everyone under him at the first hint of trouble."

"But what does all that have to do with us?"

"Lee knows how much of a factor I am in Damien's success. When I turned immortal his business spiked and he started having more influence."

"He was using you, like I said," Reese murmurs.

"I know that now. I think a part of me knew that in the beginning and just didn't want to accept it."

"The point is, we help Lee, Damien goes down, and Dominic is free," James reveals.

Reese frowns, "Help Lee...with his army?"

"Exactly," I confirm.

"And that's where you come in," James tells her, ignoring my heated look.

"I'm not becoming immortal," she says immediately, shaking her head fiercely.

"I know baby, I know," I placate her before she can start rejecting this whole idea entirely.

"Explain what you mean then," she grates out impatiently.

"Remember Lee's woman, Wanda?"

"The one who turned you?"

I nod, "her."

"Yeah, what about her?"

James and I lock eyes, wondering who's willing to jump into this pool of sharks.

It's silent for a good two minutes before I finally speak up, "She can teach you how to turn people immortal."


So, Reese isn't becoming immortal but she is becoming a part of the immortal world. Happy?

Lmao, I actually kind of like this chapter, It didn't turn out like I expected but nothing ever does when I start writing the chapters for this story ahaha.

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