Chapter Twenty-Eight: Bust

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Eren scrambled from underneath Levi and shook with embarrassment. A loud cackle filled the room and the tall brown haired woman pointed at the two of them. 

"I knew it!" She giggled. "Oh, Levi he's so young. I wonder if it'll affect his abilities. Please continue I want to chart the data-"

Levi cut her off with a sharp glare as he stood up to grab his shirt. Eren was too busy trying not to have a panic attack to be upset. His lips still tingled from Levi's kiss, and he was still a little parched. He wouldn't say that out loud, obviously. 

"Hanji what the fuck? You weren't supposed to be here for another week!" Levi snapped. 

Hanji giggled and twirled loose strands of hair around her finger. Eren wiped his mouth and nodded in agreement, finally gaining some of his senses. Hanji frowned a little and shrugged. 

"Yeah that's what I thought too but.... It seems Erwin has something planned, and he ordered me to come here straightaway." She explained.

Eren rubbed the back of his neck nervously. He hoped that Hanji wouldn't tell the entire squad, but he knew better than to think she would. She'd probably write a weird fanfic in her science notebook or something.  

A loud crashing noise interrupted their conversation and Petra rushed into the room. Her hair was disheveled and sweat trickled down her forehead. She was wearing a worried expression on her face. 

"Captain Levi! A group of vampires were spotted. They- they're surrounding the building!" She panted. 

Eren shook away his embarrassment and sat upright. His jaw clenched shut, but before he could stand, Levi motioned for him to stay seated. 

"So why are you all standing around?" Levi asked sharply. 

She shook her head, her body entirely stiff. "No sir. There are too many. They- they're demanding for Eren." 

Hanji's face went grim, and Levi's sharp glare dulled to nothing. He showed no emotion. Eren knew at that moment, shit was going to hit the fan. 

"Sir! I can-"

Levi interrupted Eren with a single glance. His blood ran cold; Eren's body temperature dropped. Suddenly, hundreds of voices filled his head. They were harsh and eerie, and they made him sick to his stomach. One stuck out from the rest. It sounded vaguely familiar, but he couldn't place it. Eren couldn't make out what it was saying, but it was calling out to him. 

"Hanji, watch over Eren. Don't let any blood-sucker near him." Levi ordered, grabbing a pair of dual swords. 

Eren's mouth went completely dry as if it were made of cotton. All of this... seemed so familiar. He had a strong sense that he'd lived this before. This exact moment, in this place. 

'Now, time for your true awakening, human.'


*chokes* Over 1k? Damn I love you guys! Sorry for the wait and the extremely short chapter! Coming out to my family hasn't been the greatest experience, but it could've been worse I guess. Coping with it and shit. *shrugs*

So yeah! Officially outta the closet and damn it feels great! 

I looked at my notifications and I want you all to know I DO pay attention to that shiz. I literally have a heart attack like: "Oh gods people like my writing! Hello person! Holy ass nugget I can't even! "  *faints*

XD I'm such a dork

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~Virgil :3

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