Chapter Twenty-Three: Wounds

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*Levi's P.O.V.*

Levi dabbed the bite-wound on his neck with a piece of cotton that was dipped in rubbing alcohol. There was a slight sting, but it didn't hurt him at all. His arms on the other hand were in complete agony. He's been taking pain pills for the past few days, but they didn't work as Hanji said they would.

'This is stupid.'

Levi groaned and threw the cotton swab in the trash can beside his desk. He couldn't let go of Eren. It would spare his feelings, along with his life if he did, but the little asshole was all he had. The ravenette rubbed at his temples and started wrapping his arms with clean bandages. In all honesty, he was terrified of Eren. At this point, he wasn't sure which side of him was the real one. Could it be that murderous puppet that tried to kill him twice over was actually him? Levi cupped a hand over the bite-mark, scowling. Even if that was the case, he would stick with Eren until all of his humanity was gone.

'We both made stupid promises to each other. We're backed up into a corner.'

He wasn't sure if Eren was still human, but his eyes.. His vibrant, wild green eyes reminded him that there was still hatred for those monsters in his heart. That alone was enough for now. He finished wrapping his arms, remembering what the medics were going to do in order to restrain him. Levi didn't allow them to do it, so he did it himself. What else could he do? It was the only way to keep him from killing anyone else.

~A few days before~

Levi shouted for everyone to leave the theater, but most of them seemed oblivious. A loud scream came from Eren, and blood poured from his mouth and eyes. Everyone turned and saw Eren, growling and hissing. Just like the first time this happened, wind whirled around his body.

'No. It's not Eren right now. This is something else.'

People began rushing out of the exits in a panic, but a few didn't make it. The monster chuckled; the wind whirling around its body expanded, going at least 300 miles per hour. Levi rushed towards the beast, his knife in hand. The gusts had already sent a few people backwards along with some of the theater chairs, and it was hard for him to even stand up. If it weren't for the chairs, he wouldn't be standing at all.

It was a bloody mess, panting and growling.

"I don't have to listen to that pure-bloo- gah!" It choked out.

It's body jerked towards Levi, and the monster smirked. Blood was already beginning to seep into its eyes, and its skin on the left side had already turned an icy blue color.

"You again." It spoke, cracking its knuckles. "Come here."

Levi scowled. This thing was taking over Eren's body, and knowing that he couldn't do anything without hurting him pissed him off. The brunnette's smirk widened, and he imitated a grabbing motion with both of his hands. Without any time to react, Levi was dragged towards the puppet by the wind.

"Captain?!" One of the people shouted.

Levi didn't turn his head, knowing that the puppet could easily end him if he was distracted. It must've been another venator since they called him that. His eye twitched in annoyance. If that person was a venator then they could make themselves useful and help him evacuate the few people that were left. Levi focused in on the monster, glancing him over and trying to detect any openings or weak spots. He raised an eyebrow, just realizing what it was wearing.

'What the hell? That had to be Hanji's doing. Well, I guess it does look a little cute on him.'

Levi shook that thought out of his head. He was in the middle of saving other people's lives and didn't have time to think about that. The monster grabbed his arms, its touch ice-cold. It leaned forward and pulled him against its body.

Crimson Puppet (Ereri/Riren) (On Hold)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora