Chapter Eighteen: Never Again

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*Levi's P.O.V.*

~One week before~

Levi sighed and rubbed his temples. His abdomen ached and burned and Eren was still unconscious from his previous mission. He grunted, tilting his head back as he grit his teeth. What happened on that mission replayed over and over again. The corporal couldn't wrap his head around what had happened. He said he was human, and the tests came back as inconclusive for Vampirism.

'I don't understand any of this. It doesn't make sense.'

He returned his attention to Eren. His hair was disheveled and filthy. It's been twenty-six hours since Eren had been brought back to the venator's headquarters. He's been tossing and turning in his sleep for hours, but there were no signs of him waking up.

His eyebrows furrowed, trying to piece together what happened. He shouldn't be so concerned about him, but he couldn't help it. Eren reminded him of her. Levi closed his eyes, remembering her smile.

Isabel Magnolia. The person he swore to protect long before Eren came into his life. His most precious friend. Levi could still hear her calling him bro and using ridiculous slang. He chuckled, trying to force down the lump forming in his throat.

He had to protect Eren, the person who reminded him so much of her.


Levi kept his eyes on Eren as the vampire gripped his shoulders, forcing him back down to his seat. He tsked, hating the fact that the blood-sucker was touching him with his filthy hands.

"Don't make things difficult. Just stay seated like a good little pet." It whispered in his ear.

He growled, clenching his fists. If more venators were here as back-up he could take down the vampires without worrying about anyone's safety. It hurt his pride feeling helpless like this.

He narrowed his eyes, keeping his mouth shut. If he wanted to protect the people around him he had to play his cards right. If only Erwin were here he would figure something out to prevent any casualties.

'It's not just about that damn brat. Get your head out of your ass, Levi.'

The vampire beside Eren smirked, staring him in the eyes as it stood on its tip-toes. It whispered something in his ear, and Eren's face went blank; his eyes glazed over, almost lifeless looking.

Levi's blood boiled,and his chest tightened with rage. The helpless, desperate feeling was taking over again. This familiar feeling that always clouded his sense of reason.

'I couldn't protect her, but I swear on my life... I'll protect you, Eren.'

The vampire beside Eren grinned, kissing him roughly. Levi's body went limp, and he cast aside his emotions, attempting to think clearly even though his heart ached. In one swift movement, he grabbed the vampire behind him by the sides of its face, jerking his head backward. It stumbled backward, falling into a chair. The monster hissed, covering its bleeding nose with its hand.

The vampire near Eren was too distracted to notice its twin. Levi took the opportunity to pull out one of his pocket knives tucked away in his boot and hopped over the row of seats. He stared at the blood-sucker with an unamused expression on his face.

"I don't listen to shit-eating assholes like you." He said dully, twirling the knife in his hands, thrusting it into one of its eyes.

It grunted, holding back a scream. He yanked the knife back and stabbed it the side of its neck. He whirled around, disregarding the piece of trash vampire that was currently bleeding out in front of him. He narrowed his eyes at the vampire manipulating Eren.

'I'm not done, yet. Wait until I get my hands on you, you filthy parasite.'

A murderous glint in Eren' eyes made Levi's heart stop cold. The blaring speakers faded to a silence in his ears. All he could see and focus on was that...look.

His grip tightened on his dagger. He didn't want to kill Eren. Levi didn't want to end him like he had to end Isabel. Flashes of her death flickered in his mind, mixing with images of Eren.

"Never again." He growled under his breath. "I'll never lose anyone ever again.''


Ohh well damn. I have a backstory for Levi, this is only a fraction of it. If you watched Levi's OVA's then you know who Isabel is, and I plan on including Farlan as well. (Sorry this chapter is so short T-T )

If you haven't watched the OVA's there will be a detailed -complete- backstory of what happened with Isabel and Farlan in this fic, so don't worry ;)

Hehehe *Internally screaming*

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