'I wouldn't mind havin' it back, no.' Fox said and shrugged. 'But you can keep it.'

'Truly? You are too kind but I have no use for such baubles. I have money enough to buy at least three of these.' Esme placed a finger to her mouth in feigned thought. 'Maybe River Oak could have it as a donation. She does like her glittery stones, do you not River Oak?'

River Oak bowed her baled scaled head in agreement but Esme didn't pay full attention to the Spirit. She watched in the corner of her eye instead and picked up the moment he cracked. His face twitched, his features twisting a little in anger or panic, maybe both. This did mean something to him after all. She decided to press.

'So I guess you can go. Neither of us want the Eye so this meeting is pointless.' She held out the flat of her pale palm to Absolon. 'Absolon, please may I have the Eye. I wish to give it to River Oak to honour our friendship.'

Just as Absolon whistled and touched his belly, summoning the Eye from within his jelly-like gut, Fox broke.

'Hold up! Alrigh' I get it, yeah? I want the goddamn Eye.' Fox snapped hotly.

Esme stared at him through half closed eyes and didn't say a word until the Eye had touched her palm. It was heavy from the weight of jewels and gold inlays and cold to the touch.

'So you this is important?'

'Yeah.' Fox growled in annoyance.

Esme smiled in triumph. 'And you want it back?'

'Yeah. I do.'

'Are you willing to do something for me in return?'

Fox stared at her warily. There was little trust in his intense hot gaze. She didn't expect there to be.

'Lay out what you want. I'll decide then.'

Esme, not familiar with blackmailing, felt it a reasonable request. 'I am aware that the Fingers can take anything and make it vanish. I want you to make me disappear. I want to be gone from Lakeside within two days and reappear in Hornfel City.'

Fox looked very guarded now. He shifted his weight as he thought quickly. 'No.'

Esme was taken aback. 'No?'

'Look, my codename is important to me but I ain't gettin' mixed up in this mess of yours. I value my life thank you very much.'

Esme stared at him. 'So you want to the Eye to thrown into the river.'

'No I don't want the Eye thrown into the river but I don't want to die either. Helping someone who offed the Grand Wizard is going to get me a noose round my neck or shot.'

Esme didn't notice the expression of regret flitting over Fox's face. The stuttering and twisting in her heart created too much pain to pay attention. Cassandra. Of course he thought she was the killer. The whole city did. It hurt her more than she thought it would to actually hear those words and that accusation, despite preparing herself for it.

But before Esme could open her mouth to deny his accusatory words, River Oak was on him. She slithered across the small distance between them, swimming through the air, and grabbed hold of his shoulder with her iron-like claws. With an easy tug, she yanked Fox into the air and her free had clamped about his throat, squeezing tightly.

'How dare the little, sly, thieving fox! How dare he hurt the Bloxham Sprite and accuse such atrocities! The Bloxham Sprite did not harm the Bloxham Spirit! She did not murder her and this one will not stand by and watch such vile things be thrown at her!' River Oak screeched horrifically.

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