Corick -Traitor!- (part two)

Start from the beginning

Today is the day I'll see Cory hang for his actions. Or at least, afther his trial, as a sesgant of the former army, he gets a proper trial, with Huskey as the man who made the decission, and the rest as the judges. I was Cory's lawyer, I have te job to protect him, but I don't have any good arguments to prove Cory guilty.

The thought I was the last one who could save him, was heavy on my shoulders as I go through all his papers.

"Nick." I turn around to see AK, Shark and Getto, who was smirking. Getto seemed pleased with himself today, I wonder why, yesterday was he also really happy. My old gang stood before me, as they knew I had a hard time.

But they thought it was was hard for me because I had to say good things about Cory...

"You know, you don't have to say nice things about him, he's just the Traitor, no need to be nice about him." AK said. I hurts me to hear all those things. They all called Cory 'the Traitor' now, that hurts me even more.

"Well, you get a few hours with him, so you can go over the case." Shark said, who was wearing his leafsuit again. He was undercover, trying to find Red's base with the directions Cory had given him. He's now one of the best snipers I've ever seen, and I saw alot of snipers within the army here.

My spirits lifted when they told me I got a few hours with Cory, but I didn't let them see it.

"Allright then, I'll get going." I said, standing up and walking out of the door.

"Eh Nick?" Getto said. I turned around and saw Getto holding my papers I left on the table. I blush a little and got them from him.

"Thanks Getto, I'll see you at the case, and maybe when we're done, you can give those marshmallows you have!" I said, and ran of and hearing Getto sigh. When I was at Cory's cell, I saw Huskey and major Grey talking.

"...out of controle." Major Grey said to Huskey. I asked what was going on, and they told me Cory went banana's. He went crazy, trying to attack everyone who got into the cell.

"Let me in there, I think I can calm him down." I said, but Huskey and Grey held me back from the door. I look up at them both, why am I so small? At least Cory is smaller then me.

"We can't let you get caught by him, you'll get killed!" Huskey said. But I knew how to get Cory calm, and there was no stopping me.

"Let me in there, so I can talk with him about the case. I don't want anyone comming near this cell, understand!?" I was angry, and Huskey and Grey both went out of the way.

"Understand? Good, now move!" I shout at them, and they walked away. I may be smaller then them, but they listen to me. I opened the door, only to meet the smell of something heavy. I look around, but I saw no one. I closed the door, locked it, and walked further.

From under the bed, a naked Cory jumped and tryed to attack me. I was shocked to see him naked, but his eyes is wat scared me the most. The pupils were small, and he looked insane. He looked furious and tryed to bite me.

"Cory?" I ask, looking at his face. Cory went quiet, and he sat down. I stare at him, but he didn't say anything. When I asked him to say something, he lets out a growl. I can't believe this, has he got rapish or something?

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