Chapter 25: Raging Red Eyes VS Fierce Fiery Hair

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Dylan's P. O. V.
I let out a sigh and turn around. Being inside the asylum seems a lot scarier when you're alone. With my flashlight held out in front of me I walk down the long hallway and towards the stairs and up to the eight floor. I make it to the eight floor. Its the size of a middle school's third floor. I start walking away from the stairs. I stop in the middle of the huge hall. I shine my flashlight on the left side of the hall and on the floor is Emily's remains.  I'm turning around in a circle when I hear it. Two low growls. Dog growls. I turn around fully and see that standing at the end of the hall are two huge black dogs the size of pitbulls. We stare at each other. Then all hell breaks loose. They charge at me at the same time. I only have one thought-  I can't do this. I'm sorry guys but I can't. Then I run like hell. I run down the stairs. Its paws trailing behind me. I trip and fall down the stairs. Hard. I land on the bottom. I pick myself up and keep on running. I'm almost to the door when I trip and fall down onto my back. It growls above me. Its spit lands on my forehead. My brown eyes lock with their red ones. I think -I'm gonna die. We're all gonna die. Emily's bones will never be recovered. Along with the rest if them. And this will happen over and over and over again until a group of teenagers actually succeeds. I'm not going to let that happen. I turn my head to the left and there within my reach is Emily's journal. I grab it with both heads and swing upwards. A thunk! is heard as the book makes contact with one of dogs heads. It backs away from me whimpering. I bring my left foot up and swing at the other one. It crashes into the wall. With the journal in hand I run towards the door and outside into the open. I shout to my friends, "run!!!" before taking off again. I hear running footsteps behind me, guess they took my advice. I can hear the dogs loud  thumping paws following behind us. We reach the beach. Then I hear it. The whirr! of a helicopter. I look up and almost cry in relief. Flying above is a search and rescue helicopter. I start to jump up and down and wave my arms. I shout as loud as I can, " we're here!!! we're down here!!". The others do the same. A giant spotlight shines on all of us. A rope ladder falls out of the helicopter and down comes a man. He lands onto the sand and rushes over to us. He asks, "are you the kids that were on flight 469?". We all nod. He cups his hands and shouts up to the helicopter, " its the missing kids! We found them! Call the other search and rescue helicopter ". He turns to us and asks, " are you all ok?". Eval says, "Dylan has hypothermia, she needs a hospital. Alex, that's the one with the blue, she got bit by some snakes, she needs medical attention. Opal, that's the young boy with the blonde hair, he has cuts on his body, he needs medical attention as well.  There's an asylum on this island, a couple miles back there. Also, there-, there are bodies in the asylum. Eight skeletons to be exact.  Their names are Violet Elise Greenway, Mikaela Sienna Avery, Rosalinda Mary Jacobs,  Emily Rose Anderson, Jake Richards Henderson, Sean Christopher Wren, James Elijah Henry and Lucas Jaques Michalelson.  Their skeletons should be on the first floor. Lucas has an urn. It should also be there.  The plane landed somewhere not far from the beach. I don't know exactly where. Can I ask you something? Why'd it take you guys ten days to find us?". The search and rescue officer looks at me and says, " it only took us three days to find you". I think, the time must be different in the asylum. I say, " look, find the skeletons and make sure their families get their kids remains". He nods and says, "I will son, but right now lets get you kids back to california".

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