Chapter 2:Crashing

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Eval's P.O.V.
Dylan and I had talked some more and I learned a couple of things about her. I learned that she's a tomboy, I can tell by the way she talks that she has attitude. I think what I like most about her is her hair. It's different from what I'm used to. But it's a good different. Dylan and I are talking about forensic science when I feel the plane shake a little. I can tell by the loud murmuring that the other passengers felt it too. Dylan looks at me and says," what was that?" I think for a few minutes before answering," turbulence, I think. I heard that can sometimes happen to some planes". She nods her head and says," I've heard of that, but I've never experienced it". I smile lightly at her and say," guess there's a first time for everything". She smiles back at me and says," yeah, I guess your ri-" suddenly the plane starts to drop in midair. Everyone on the plane starts screaming. Dylan's hands are gripping the seat of the arms so hard I can see her knuckles turn white. All of the windows on the plane shatter into pieces. I can feel the cold air on my face. Oxygen masks drop down and the captain's voice is speaking," passengers of Flight 469, we are experiencing technical difficulties with the plane, we are going to crash. I repeat we are going to crash. Please put on your masks". Almost everyone puts the masks on except a few people. They're too busy screaming and panicking to listen. I grab mine and hold it firmly over my nose. Out the corner of my eye, I see Dylan doing the same. I see the blue haired twin girls holding each other's hands tightly. I see the blonde haired twin boys have their eyes closed. The green haired girl has her arms crossed over her chest and her eyes shut tight. The blonde ten year old boy also has his eyes shut and his hands over his ears. The rest of them have their masks on all except for him. I don't know why but I have a feeling he won't make it. Everything sounds muffled. Everything I see looks like it's in slow motion. The back of my head slams hard into the head of my passenger seat. Spots appear in my vision. I watch in horror as the top of Dylan's head slams upward towards the plane ceiling. Her eyes flutter close. My body jerks forward and my forehead hits the back of someone's seat. Hard. I blackout. My last thought is, At least I won't be able to feel any broken bones.

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