Chapter 15: New Info

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Emily Rose Anderson- "If you're reading this then it means I'm dead. It also means that the same thing that happened to my friends and I are happening to you. Our plane crashed, only eight of us survived. Two days had passed and we found this asylum. I would tell you not to enter but since you found my journal it means you already have. So the warning is useless. Also, I know that on this journal it says the year 1898. It says that because I found it that way. When I found it, it was blank. The year that my friends and I plane crashed is 2012. Just wanted to get that clear. Anyway, I'm going to tell you- Get Out While You Can. I know you may not believe me when I say this, but this asylum is haunted. It brings your worst fears alive and turns them against you. Makes them deadly. Six of us found that out the hard way. Sean and I are the only ones alive. The people who died here, their spirits are not at rest. Some of them wanted another chance at life, others, others wanted us to know what they went through. To feel what they went through. They wanted to kill us and take over our bodies. I'm only 15, I don't want to die. This place is EVIL. It has secret and hidden passageways that won't even notice until its to late. This place is EVIL. We've been here fore six days and six have died. That is not a coincidence. I am officially scared out of my mind. Six people are dead. One is possessed by a spirit and is looking for me. My hand is shaking as I write these words. Which are probably my last. He's hunting me down, wanting to kill me. I know he's possessed because of his eyes. They aren't their usual color. They're red. That's the only way to tell the difference. Oh sure, they'll look the same, talk the same, probably even act as scared as the rest of you. But deep down, that person is the one we should be afraid of. I wrote a language down that only I know.  Its latin. Say them in the right way that they are to be used. Here are the translations- Surge- Get Out. Et Numquam relinquere- leave and never return. Manere- Stay away. Omnes in-kill them all. Tempus moriendi-time to die. Quod non sit habitor- No one lives. Malum No Vide- See no evil. Occidere eos- kill them- Some of these I wrote on the wall, some of them were said to me by the possessed. Use them in the correct order  this will buy you some time. Until what, I don't know. I hope you and your friends have better luck then me and my friends did. If you make it out alive, make sure people know what happened. Make them listen. Our souls cannot be at peace until we are at rest. Our families need closure, not false hope. Here are our names. Emily Rose Anderson. Jake Richard Henderson.  Violet Elise Greenway. Sean Christopher Wren. Rosalinda Mary Jacobs. James Elijah Henry. Lucas Jacques Michalelson. Mikaela Sienna Avery. We all lived in California. Please make sure they find us. Even if we're nothing but bones and clothes. Our families need closure. Our souls need to be at peace.

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