Chapter 16: The Writing On The Wall

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Dylan's P.O.V.
I stare at the journal in my lap. My brain trying to process what I just read. I think- this has happen before, people have died here who knows how many times. I have to tell the others. I look away from the book when I hear my name being called again. With the book held tightly in my left hand, I walk across the room to the door and move the bed away from the door. I open the door, walk down the hallway and down the stairs. I reach the hallway and walk into the large room. When I walk in, I see that everyone is arguing with each other. I hear my name come up constantly. I realize that they're arguing about weather or not they should split up and find me. I clear my throat and say," hey-, hey guys, I, I, I ftt, found some-, something". They all rush over to me. I see that on the floor are blankets, a bottle of cough syrup and some bandages. Esme starts scolding me like she's my mom, "Dylan!, didn't you hear us calling for you?!, you were right below me when I stamped my feet. You had to have heard that-". I cut her off by saying, "this has happened before!!". Then before anyone can talk, I continue and say, "this has happened before. We aren't the first people who've been on this island". I wave the journal and say," other people, other kids, have been on this island, in this asylum. Those kids have died". I tell them everything about what I read in the journal. About how this asylum makes your worst fears come true. About the red eyes of the possessed. What the weird words we found on the wall mean. How we can use them. But most of all, I tell them the names of the other kids. How that when we get rescued, not if but when, that we have to make sure they find their bodies. That their families have to have closure and not false hope. Then I tell them my most respected secret: that I can see ghosts. After I finished telling them, I wait and see what they have to say. Esme places her hand on my shoulder and says in a voice that nurses use for crazy people, "Dylan, honey look, you're sick, just because you found a journal that's been written in, doesn't mean that you can believe anything in it". I know that look on her face, its a look of disbelief. This time when I speak there's anger in my voice, "I don't care if you don't believe me. But people have died here, their parents shouldn't have false hope, they should be able to bury whatever is left of their children so that they can be at peace. And even if we get rescued, I will stay hear and find those children's bones and I am not leaving until I do". I look at everyone's faces. They all look at me with either frustration, disbelief, and worry. I feel a shiver pass through my entire body. Making me even more colder. I hold the urge to groan out loud. I think, a ghost!? Now, I haven't seen or felt a ghost since we walked in here and all of a sudden now I feel one!?. I can't help them anyway, I'm too weak. Opal looks at me and says," uh, Dylan. What was the name of the girl who wrote in the journal again?". I look at him in confusion and say,"Emily Rose Anderson. Why?". He points at something behind me and says, " look behind you". I turn around and see that on the wall behind me are the words- Dylan is telling the truth. What happened to me and my friends was real. It will happen to you too. You've already spent two days here on the island. Which means you have eight days left to face your fears and stay alive. There's good news and bad news. The good news is that when you first came here, I heard you guys tell each other your worst fears and you have the exact same fears as me and my friends. So I can try to help you face your fears. The bad news...the other ghosts, the bad and evil ones, know that you're hear and that I've talked to you. They'll do anything to make sure that you don't face and overcome your fears. Anything.

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