Chapter 9 :A strange language

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Esmerelda(Esme) P. O. V.

We walk into the Asylum. We're immediately in a hallway with an elevator and a staircase. I walk into one of the rooms and I'm met with a really large room. I walk into it. The rest of them right behind me. I walk towards the wall and I see writing on it. Surge, Et Numquam Relinquere, Manere, Quod non sit habitator,  Omnes in, Occidere eos, dedito, tempus moriendi. That's. all I can see. I walk back to the group and sit down. The rest do the same. I look at Dylan, whose cradled in Eval's arms. She looks even worse. Her lips and skin are a dark blue, but her eyes are wide and alert. Her breathing has slowed down. Alex clears her throat and says, "tomorrow we can search this place for blankets and matches". The rest of us nod. I look around the room and see a small wooden cabinet. I walk over to it, open it and see exactly eight yellow flashlights. I grab them and walk back over to the group. I sit down and pass them to everyone. They all have one, including Dylan. I let out a breath and say, "Ok. So what do we do now?" Jonathan looks around and says, "how about we tell our age and our worst fears?". We all look at him like he's crazy, even Dylan. He gets this defensive look on his face and says," what? If we're gonna be stranded here we might as well get to know one another?".

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