"U-Uhm, of course, we would like one. Thank you, Kozumi-san." They each shakily took one, and my smile widened. I leaned forward to give the girl closest a kiss on the cheek, before continuing on to Haruhi's table as the girl fainted and the others squealed.

I shook my head with a smile, before leaning on Haruhi. "Ne, Ne Haruhi. What'chya up to?" She turned to me with a smile, before taking my tray and putting it on the table as she responded.

"Talking to guests, as usual. You know, you need to take a break once in a while and just enjoy the Host Club." She turned back around, giving me a hug, before grabbing my hand and pulling me to sit beside her. "What do you girls say, would you like to talk to my sister too?"

They nodded quickly before one of the two piped up first. "Hey, Kozumi-san. Can you sing?" I tilted my head in confusion.

"What do you mean?" Why this question out of nowhere? Haruhi looked at me with a smile, as Honey popped up from the side and leaned over the couch to put his head on my shoulder, smiling at the girls while making his hand into a peace sign. Wow, that was random.

They glanced at Honey with small squeals at the sign of affection, before the other one spoke up. "It's just that, every once in awhile, you would start humming a random song. We just wanted to know if you could sing I guess, because it sounds nice."

My face turned red, and I looked down a little. "Uhm, I was humming? I'm sorry if I disturbed anyone, and I don't know if I'm a good singer or not. I've never really tried before." Honey turned his head to look at me, kissing my cheek, before flipping over and landing next to me.

"What's the song you're humming about? And why don't you just try?" I blushed deeper, as he looked at me with confusion. I shook my head, to indicate that I didn't want to. He grabbed my hand, standing up as he pulled me to my feet. "Pleeeeeeaaaase?" Oh no. Puppy eyes.

I sighed. "Fine." They cheered. "It was a song about.... sweets."Honey smiled really wide, and Haruhi looked at me weirdly. "I.... uh. I've had a sweet tooth for the past few days. And it was just something that I liked." Honey looked extremely happy at this information. "But.... do I have to try singing? In front of everyone?" They all nodded.

A Little Bit of Honey- OHSHC- Mitsukuni HaninozukaWhere stories live. Discover now