I followed where I saw Lucas and Maya go and heard yelling, "YOU CAN'T DO THIS!!" I heard Lucas yell and I ran inside the tent, Maya had her gear on and Lucas was standing infront of her I could tell she was trying to remain calm. "Lucas I'm going to do this, and I'm going to be fine." Lucas just looked down shaking his head, "Fine. You do it and I'm never talking to you again." With that Lucas stormed past me, Maya had tears in her eyes and I rushed to her side pulling her into a hug. She sniffled in my shoulder as I rubbed her back. After a second she pulled back and rubbed her eyes. The announcer called for our attention, "Hello! Welcome to the bull/sheep riding contest! Are y'all ready for this? This next rider is looking for redemption getting ready to ride tombstone now is Maya Hart!" Everyone clapped and I squeezed her shoulder, she smiled at me. I gave her a kiss on the cheek before she put her helmet on and headed to the ring. She went behind the fence and I cheered her on. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Lucas watching from afar. I crossed my fingers as Maya mounted tombstone, "GET EM MAYA!!" The opened the gates and she held on tight. She removed one hand and made an imaginary rope, "YEEHAW!!" I heard her shout. The next thing seemed to happen in slow motion. She was riding, a smile on her face then she was on the ground. She landed on her shoulder and I could see her face contort in pain.

I jumped the fence separating us an ran to her side while two other guys pulled the bull away. She held her shoulder an I pointed to the clock, "You did it Maya!" She slipped me a pained smile and I let the doctors take a look at her as I headed towards Lucas. He was looking at the ground just swinging his legs back and forth, "Lucas..." He looked up at me and the words just fell out of my mouth, "You , you like Maya..." He just stared at me, "That's why you couldn't watch her do it. Because you like her. Because you stepped back for me, it's ok. You think I love her like a sister." I gulped before I said my next words, "Well you're right." He looked at me in shock and just nodded, "Y-yeah sure..." I led him back to where Maya was being treated. We walked into the tent and she had a cast with a sling and she was laughing with Zay and Farkle. I felt myself smile bigger since she was happy. We all left to Pappi Joes.

"Maya. It's taken time but I've figured out my feelings towards you." She looked at me expectantly and Lucas looked sad, I had to choke out the next words, "I love you like a sister. What are your feelings on her Lucas?" Maya's smile faltered and then fell into a frown when I was done. Lucas ignored me, "Let's go do something fun. What do you do for fun around here?" Farkle tried to Change the subject, "But what if I don't think of us like that." I sighed and looked at Lucas, "Well you better. What should we do Pappi Joe." Lucas had wide eyes as he looked from me to Maya, "Umm Brett's Barbeque has the best food and some good music tonight." Without another word maya led us out the house and to the barbeque. "Maddie and Tae are on tonig-... Oohh Vannessa." I chuckled as Zay left to hunt down Vannessa.

We finished our night around a campfire when an idea popped into my head, "Farkle let's go get ice cream." I grabbed his hand and leaned down by Lucas, "Feel what you feel Lucas." With that I lead Farkle away, my heart hurt from pretending I didn't like Maya. We headed home the first thing next morning an when we arrived Lucas took Maya out on a date, I decided to watch with Zay and Farkle, "Why are you looking at her like that?" Farkle asked snapping me out of my thoughts, "Uhhh.... What do you mean Farkle?" I chuckled nervously at what he asked, "You like Maya still!!" Crap.. Maya's head turned in our direction, "Is it true?" She asked sounding a little too happy about it, "Ummm..." She looked at me patiently, "Of course she does! The way she looks at you is the same way her dad looks at her mom. She loves you Maya she's just protecting Lucas." I stared at Farkle shocked, "Well... We got ourselves a triangle!" Zay said with a clap of his hands. I looked around and ran out of Topangas to the only place I know to be safe. The Bay window.

I sat in the window crying for hours before a knock sounded at my window. When I looked up it was Maya, I opened the window, "I chose already." I sighed and looked into my lap wiping my tears away, "Why are you here go be with Lucas." She chuckled and lifted my head with her long fingers, "Oh but darling Lucas was never involved." This confused me, "But he couldn't watch you.." She nodded, "Yes that was only because he couldn't see you be hurt if I was hurt. I mean I was." She said while signaling to her cast with her good arm. I chuckled, "But I left the back room of the bakery for a bit to think and when I came back I didn't knock. Lucas and Farkle were making out." I sat there shocked, "But didnt you like Lucas?" She shook her head, "It's been you all along." She used her good hand to pull me in for a kiss and I accepted.

It was magic, the way her soft lips connected with mine like two puzzle pieces. We pulled apart, "Girlfriends?" I nodded and pulled her in for the best hug I could considering she had a cast, "Girlfriends."


This was bad. This is really bad. Mainly because its been 4 days since I updated (which breaks schedule) this i was worried about so I rushed to put this out there. I'm sorry but I thought this would be how it is since Maya doesn't really fit with a couple of the things Lucas does. This one was kinda long though. I hope you enjoyed, and thanks if you made it to the end of this chapter.

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