Chapter 23

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Seth's POV:

Dean and I have been in Walmart for at least two hours. Dean almost got kicked out for jumping into the big rack, or box thing that held huge inflatable balls. I had to explain to the manager that it was a foolish mistake, and he wouldn't do it again.

"Hey Sethie?" Dean asked, walking backwards down one of the isles.

"Yes Dean?" I asked, looking at him, while we walk.

"Follow me!" He semi yelled, turning around, and sprinted down the isle.

Me being pretty fast I caught up to him quickly. I was just about to grab him, when he came to abrupt stop. I stopped before I could crash into him. I wondered why he stood suddenly, until I realized that we are in front of the same box filled with the big inflatable balls.

"No Dean. Don't jump-" I was cutoff, by him slipping through the bungee cords, and jumping into the multiple balls.

"Wooo!" He yelled, messing with a ball, and one of the bungee cords that he was behind.

"Dean! Get out! You already got told once about being in there. We are gonna get kicked out!" I whispered yelled, grabbing his hands to make him stop.

"Come on Seth. Join me." He replied back, with a laugh.

I rolled my eyes, and laughed also. I guess I need to lighten up. I need to have fun too.

"Move your ass over." I said, with a laugh.

He laughed, and moved his whole body to the other side. I then quickly slipped through the cords, and jumped in. As I landed a ball went up, and over the top of the box thing, and rolled down the isle.

"Ha yes! There you go babe!" Dean yelled, pulling my into a weirded position hug.

I hugged him back, and laughed once again. I opened my mouth to say something but was cutoff by an announcement on the loud speaker.

"Disturbance in isle five. Can I please have some assistance over there...Thank you."

Dean just started laughing, while I was trying to get my foot out that was some how stuck when me and Dean hugged.

"Babe, help me." I whined, still trying to get my foot out.

He stopped laughing, and helped me get my foot out. With no trouble at all he lifted me up, and placed me in a more comfortable place. I thanked him with a kiss.

"Not you two again." A security guard said, with annoyance.

Dean and I slowly turned our heads towards the annoyed security guard. I innocently smiled at him, as Dean was trying his best to stifle a laugh.

"Now I told you two the first time that if I caught you two doing this again I would kick you out." He said, crossing his arms over his chest.

I went to apologise, but was cut off by Dean laughing like a maniac. I was now having trouble stifling a laugh.

"You think your funny?" He asked, looking at Dean with annoyed face still.

"I think I'm adorable." Dean replied, smiling.

I smiled back, and decided to say something that will make the security guard not to happy.

"And he is very correct on that statement." I said, laughing.

The security guard rolled his eyes, and steeped closer to us. I stopped laughing, and looked at the guard.

"I don't find this funny at all. Come on you two step out, and follow me." He said, motioning his hand to come out.

I looked at Dean to see he is smiling, and shrugging his shoulder. I smiled at him and shuffled through the balls, and slipped through the bungee cords. Dean did the same.

"Let me guess...we're getting kicked out?" Dean asked, stifling another laugh.

"Really? You're asking that? Of course you guys are, you ass wipes!" The guard said in absolute annoyance, and anger.

I gasped in shock. Shouldn't security guards, or any guards have proper language? Dean then moved me behind him, and stood right in front of the guard, face to face.

"Okay, okay, okay..." Dean started off with a fake laugh. "Don't you dare call me and my boyfriend ass wipes." Dean finished, with more seriousness then ever.

The guard rolled his eyes once again, before turning around and walking away. I turned my head to look at Dean, and kissed his cheek. He looked at me with a smile. We then intertwined our fingers, and followed the rude, security guard to the entrance.

"Okay you two are banned from entering Walmart for a week, and if you are spotted in the premise you will add on more days, or weeks to your ban, also will pay a fine. Are we clear?" He asked, eyeing the both of us.

I nodded my head at the same time Dean did. For once the guard gave a smile, before walking away, most likely heading to the security camera room.

"Let's go home babe. I think we had an interesting morning so far." Dean said, pulling me close before kissing me on the forehead.

I blushed and nodded. We then made our way to his car.

To Be Continued...

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