Chapter 21

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Aj's POV:

As soon as Seth said that I immediately started to cry. I couldn't believe our own parents got arrested! I look at Dean and Juston to see that they had shocked faces. I then looked at Seth to see he too was crying.

"Seth how mom an.n.n.nd dad suppose to get out, and why did th.e.ey go to jail?" I asked chocking on my tears.

Seth than wiped his tears, and started to talk. Before he started to talk Dean pulled Seth into a huge hug, rubbing his back. He then kissed his forehead, still holding Seth in his arms.

"They were arrested for selling, and using illegal drugs. They will get out after their rehab appointments, but that won't be for awhile." He replied, hugging Dean tightly.

I then out of nowhere started laughing. Everyone except Seth had a shocked look on their faces. I then looked at Seth to see he is smiling, trying to hold back a laugh. I then made eye contact with Seth, and I nodded. He then bursted out laughing. Dean turned his head to look at Seth wide eyes.

Dean's POV:

"What the actual fuck?!" I. Thought looking at Seth with wide eyes at his sudden laughter.

"Dean what is going on between them?" Juston whispered, looking at me.

"I have no idea, but it's creeping me out." I replied, looking at Seth, and Aj who were still laughing.

Juston then gave me the look to say something. I nodded. I then let go of Seth, and stood up.

"Okay I have no idea what has gotten into you to, but there have to be an explanation, so spill it now." I said, basically yelling at them, while pacing.

Seth and Aj both stopped laughing. They then looked at Juston and I. Aj and Seth both gulped at the same time.

"You guys don't understand do you?" Aj mumbled, looking at her legs.

"Yeah. Do you guys understand?" Seth said mumbling coping Aj.

Juston and I looked at them in confusion.

"What don't we understand babe?" I asked, sitting back down, and taking Seth's hand, and rubbing it gently

"The beatings, the harassment." He began saying, gripping on to my hand.

"Don't forget about the countless almost raped, by our cousin." Aj said, finishing off his sentence.

"Rapes?! I new about the beatings, and harassment, but not rapes from your cousin!" I said, with shock clear through my voice.

Juston nodded his head in agreement.

"Yeah, rapes, but it was an attempt by our cousin. He failed horribly. He tried to, but my uncle basically beat the living shit out of him. The good thing was that it took place a long time ago." He said, hugging me.

I had no words to say right now. All I could do is hug him. As I was hugging him I was trying to think of a way to possibly calm him down, from his psychotic, and sad mood.

"Okay now that is all out of the way should we continue our game or do something else?" I asked, pulling away from Seth, and looking at everyone.

Seth, and Aj both looked at each other, then to me, and smiled.

"ICE CREAM SHOP!" They both yelled in excitement.

I knew that they were going to scream something, but I didn't know that it would be loud enough to make me jump out my skin.

"Okay ice cream it is then." I said, grabbing Seth's hand, and standing up.

"Yes! Come on Juston!" Aj yelled, grabbing his forearm, and pulling him towards the front door.

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