Chapter 8

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A/N: It is the last day Dean has with Seth. Over the two months Dean never left his side.
1:30 p.m.

Dean's POV:

These past two months have been the worst. First off I was kicked off the wrestling team, because I guess Roman found out that I was gay. I have no idea how he found out I was gay, but whatever,and finally it's the last day I have with Seth. It has been so long since I saw those light chocolate brown eyes of his.

I never left Seth's side, the only time I left it was to go home, and take a shower because I smelled. I never saw Aj again. The last time I saw Aj was the first time Seth was rushed over here. Ever sense that day I prayed to God to save Seth.

2:30 p.m.

I had two more hours to spare until Seth would be unplugged. I started crying. I didn't want to lose Seth. It was all my fault. If I didn't beat him up, he wouldn't be here right now. He could of been home with Aj or Dolph. I grabbed Seth's hand lightly, rubbing my thumb over his knuckles. I kept on whispering to him, just in case I never see him again.

"Everything is going to be okay. I know you didn't like me. I wouldn't like me either if I was you......I love you Seth. I love every little thing about you, to your eyes, hair, legs, arms, to to to your ass. Your ass! God it gave me a boner when you started walking away from me. Your laugh was so adorable, even though I only heard it once when I walking by you at lunch, but it was still cute as fuck. I just want you to know, that I will always love you even if you don't love me back. I will wait until the afterlife to be with you. I love you Seth with all my heart."

By now I was crying. I tried to stop, but I couldn't. I started choking on my tears. I kept on mumbling out loud.

"Why couldn't I be in this situation?"

I felt someone rest there hand on my shoulder. I jumped a little, and turned my head to see who it was. I was surprised that is was Aj!

"Omg! Aj!" I screamed

"Hey Dean!" She said with a frown

"Why a frown? it because today is the last day you get to see Seth?" I asked now frowning

"Yes, but don't make it sound like he won't wake up. He might wake up. He has two more hours." She quietly said

"Oh yeah. I'm sorry." I said putting my head down

"Don't be sad. I don't think Seth would like to see you sad." She said smirking

"What?!" I said shooting my head up to look at Aj.

"Yeah, but don't tell Seth this if he wakes up." She whispered

"Okay I promise." I said getting a little bit anxious to hear what she had to say.

"Okay, everytime Seth came home from school he would rush up to my room screaming "OMG! Dean looked so hot today! I swear sometimes I just want to go up to him, and kiss him as rough, and passionate as I can!" I always laughed when he said that. I didn't even know who you were." She said laughing really loud

I had a huge grin on my face. I started to laugh after the fact when Aj said that Seth called me hot.

"He really said that?" I asked just make sure she isn't lying to me

"Fuck yes! I never lie, and my little brother doesn't either!" She practically yelled in my ear.

"Awesome!" I screamed

A doctor came rushing in yelling


Aj and I bursted out laughing. The doctor looked at us in confusion. He then shook his head, and walked out.

Aj took a seat next to Seth. I did the same but I grabbed his hand, and kissed it softly. Aj looked at me, and smiled. For the rest of the time we had with Seth we just talked about funny memories we had with him.....well mostly Aj told the stories.

3:55 p.m.

Dean's POV: (still)

Aj and I had five more minutes with Seth. I literally cried the whole time. Aj told me to be strong, and everything is going to be okay. I couldn't be strong, and I knew that nothing was going to be okay.
5 minutes later:

A doctor came into Seth's room with a frown on his face.

"I'm sorry guys, it's time." The doctor said

I started crying, and yelling at the doctor

"No! He didn't have enough time! Give him more time!"

Aj stood there silent, she had tears running down her face as well.

"I'm sorry sir. He had plenty of time to recover. His body just said no." The doctor said

Aj and I yelled at the doctor together.

"No! You decided to give up on him!"

"Nurse, can you please escort these two to the waiting room." He yelled

Instead on one nurse, four nurses came in. It took three of the nurses to drag me near the door. It only took one nurse to get Aj, because she was so weak right now.

When the door started to open the doctor was by Seth's heart monitor plug. He was just about to unplugged it, but he heard choking. I immediately looked at the bed to see Seth's eyes slightly open, and him choking on the tube.

I got out of the four nurses grip, and ran over to Seth with tears engulfing my eyes. I blinked the tears away so my vision can be normal. When my vision came back I Looked at Seth with a huge smile on my face.

The doctor then took the tube out of his mouth so he could breath. When Seth started to breath normal again Aj ran over to Seth yelling.

"It's a fucking miracle! A fucking miracle!

"Yes! Yes it is!" I said smiling

The doctor looked at Seth, then to me, and Aj. He left the room so we could be alone with Seth. As soon as the doctor left Seth fluttered his eyes open all the way.

"Seth! OMG I missed you so much!" Aj exclaimed

"I missed so much Seth as well! I wouldn't of lived without you!" I yelled with a cheeky smile.

Seth then turned to mine and Aj's direction.

"Aj? Dean?" Seth whispered


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