Chapter 22

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A/N: Two days will understand it in the chapter.

Seth's POV:

For the past two days Dean has been really distant. Like everytime I would try to talk to him he would just ignore me, or say he isn't in the mood. Even yesterday when I was in the mood to 'mess' around he just waved me off, and went to bed. I never felt more neglected in my life. I talked to Juston yesterday, and he is said it might have something to do with going over to the police station to see my parents.


We just arrived at the police station, and I basically attach myself to Dean. I honestly was terrified. I guess Dean noticed cause he rubbed my back in a soothing, gentle way. I calmed down by the time Officer Helmsley told us to wait in the waiting room.

"It's alright baby. Your gonna be fine. No one will get hurt. We are going to be perfect." Dean said, still rubbing his hand up and down my back to calm me down.

I nodded my head, and nuzzled into his neck inhaling his honey scent. I looked forward after calming down to see a obviously fake reception girl looking at me with disgust, but when she turned her gaze to Dean she was acting all flirty, batting her eyelashes, and twirling her finger around a stran of hair, looking at Dean like she was eye fucking him. I rolled my eyes, and picked up my head to see Dean glaring at the girl, and not even interested in her. I think Dean noticed I was staring at him, cause he looked down at me and smiled. I smiled back, and puckered my lips. He lightly chuckled, and kissed me. Of course I kissed him back.

"Eh hem!" Aj said, gaining mine and Dean's attention.

We stopped kissing, and looked over at Aj, and Juston.

"What A?" I asked, stifling a laugh.

"You know what lover boy. Stop kissing your boyfriend, and wait patiently for Officer Helmsley to come back. You don't see me feeling up my boyfriend." She said, stifling a laugh as well, but with some seriousness behind it.

I didn't answer. The only thing heard was a slight laugh from Dean, and Juston. I rolled my eyes, and started bouncing my knee up and down. After a minute or two Officer Helmsley came in.

"Seth, Aj. You can come to the back. Yes your boyfriends can come too." He said, replying to up coming question.

We all nodded and walked to the back cells. I tensed up while passing all the cells that held someone of the most dangerous criminals in Ohio. One was trying to flirt with me, until Dean grabbed my hand, and pressed my body against his.

"They are in that cell." Officer Helmsley said, pointing to the cell at the end of the hallway.

We nodded our heads, and walked over to the cell. I was still latched on to Dean until we officially approached the jail cell.

I carefully walked up to the cell. Aj stood back with everyone. I took a deep breath, and began calling my parents.

"Mom? Dad?" I asked, putting my hands in my pocket.

They shot their heads up, and quickly turned their heads to my direction.

"Seth? Son?" My dad asked, his voice hoarse from lack of water.

"Yes dad it's me. I'm also here with Aj, Juston, and Dean. You remember them right?" I asked, stepping closer to the cell.

"Yes son we remember Juston, and our very beautiful daughter, but wait....isn't that the kid that gave you trouble in school?" He asked, looking passed me to look at Dean.

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