Chapter 10

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5:30 am

Seth's POV:

I woke quite early this morning. I woke up before Dean. He looked so cute when he is sleeping. I then got up, and grabbed the clothes I wore when I left the hospital. I then sighed, walking out of the bedroom to go downstairs. When I got to the living room I grabbed one of Dean's sweatshirts, and walked out the door. I just needed to clear my head from what happen over the days, that I have been in a coma.

I decided to walk to the park. I had no where in particular to go, so I just went to the park. I sat down on the nearest bench resting my arms on the back of it.

"60 days. 60 fucking days I was out. I missed school. I probably failed knowing how much I missed. Aj told me Dolph didn't even come to see me. What a friend. You would think my only friend would come and see me, but he doesn't! At least Dean stayed with me the whole time. The kiss we shared, holy shit, I thought I was gonna pass out, from the love he showed. It's nice that he is letting me live with him until, school starts back up again. It was the beginning of summer break when I woke up. I hope I didn't miss anything in school. I thought letting out a sigh

It started to get cold. I was debating to see if I wanted to go back to Dean's house. I checked my phone to see that it was 7:00 am.

"Shit! Dean is probably awake, flipping shit right now!" I yelled to myself

I started walking fast to Dean's house. I was praying that I didn't get stopped by any of Dean's friends, or getting lost.

Dean's POV:

I woke up to my alarm going off. I groaned, hitting my night stand. I then smiled remembering that I had Seth with me. I opened up my eyes looking next to me. Seth wasn't there! I started freaking out. I screamed his name to see if I can get any answer.


No answer. I panicked. I ran downstairs running around my house, looking for Seth. I checked everywhere, and there is no sign of him. I went to my living room to see any sign of him possibly leaving something. There was nothing.

"Seth where can you be?" I whispered

I had tears streaming down my face. I then noticed my favorite sweatshirt was missing. I then looked to the door, noticing it was slightly open.

"Shit he could be anywhere! Fuck me! I should of woken up before he left!" I yelled in frustration.

I immediately walked outside in my boxers trying to find Seth. I didn't care if anyone saw me only in my boxers. I was running, looking to my left then my right, then forward searching for Seth. I was really cold. I slowed down when I saw someone heading my way. He had his hoodie over his head. Walking quiet fast, with his head down. I looked at him closely. I then notice he was wearing a ECW sweatshirt. My sweatshirt to be exact.

"Seth!" I screamed to get his attention

He looked up at me and smiled. I smiled back at him. He kept on shivering. I was surprised I'm not shivering, but I didn't care I needed to bring Seth back to my house.

"Dean....I....I.....I'm cold." He said

"Yeah so am I. I'm out here in my boxers searching for you." I said playfully

His smile soon turned into a frown.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you panic." He whispered

"No, it's fine. Now let's get back to my house. Your sister should be there soon, with your clothes." I said smiling

"Fuck you are right, thank you! Let's get back quick." He exclaimed

I laughed at how he swore. It was so adorable. We then ran as fast as we could, and got to my house.

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