Chapter 13

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Dean's POV:

Seth and I just walked into the amusement park. People were staring at us, giving us disgusting looks.

"Uh...Dean?" Seth whispered

"Yes baby boy?" I whispered back, looking at him

"Why is everyone staring at us, and giving us dirty looks?" He asked now shaking

"I don't know baby. Maybe they never seen a gay couple before?" I said giving his hands a tight squeeze.

"Okay. So, what ride do you want to ride first?" He asked, walking real fast, pushing past the crowd of people.

"Um... Oh! What about we go on Bizarro!?" I asked looking at Seth with a goofy grin

He then looked at me with a adorable smile, and chuckled.

"I never been on that ride, so let's do this!" He yelled, happily.
45 minutes later: (Dean's POV)

We have been waiting in line for 45 minutes, and we are almost to the front of line, for Bizarro. I looked at Seth to see that he is scared shitless.

"Seth baby. What wrong?" I asked pulling him close to me.

"I'm scared to fucking death. Do you see how fucking tall that fucking drop is!?" He said raising his voice.

People started glaring at us, some even laughing. I just ignored them and payed attention to Seth.

"Hey, hey. It's alright. You will be fine. I got you, and watch that mouth of yours, there is little kids all around." I said kissing his forehead.

"Okay." He said blushing

We finally made it to the front of the line. We are now getting into the cart for the ride. Seth has a death grip on my arm. I told Seth everything was going to be alright. He just nodded his head. The operators soon came around checking our seat belts. When they were done they welcome us to the ride.

"Welcome to Bizarro! Please keep all hands and feet in the vehicle at all times. Now who is ready to have some fun?!" He yelled into the microphone

"Yes! I am!" I yelled, throwing my hands up.

"Great! Thank you for choosing Six Flags, and have a great day!" He said starting the ride.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!" Seth mumbled, when he we were going up the track fast.

"It's alright baby! I got you." I said holding him close.

We got to the top of the hill. I was amazed by the sight I had, but Seth was shaking. We then went down the track some what slow, some what fast.

"WHOOOO!!!!" I yelled

"Omg! This is amazing! This isn't scary!" Seth yelled, throwing his hands up in the air.

The ride was over. It seem like hours. Seth looked at me smiling, and jumping up and down.

"Holy shit! That was fun!" He yelled

"See I knew you would like it!" I yelled back to him, pulling him into me.

"Yeah! Do you want to go to the water park?" He asked wiping the sweat off his head.

"Yes! It's fucking hot! I yelled, getting a hold of his hand.

Seth's POV:

I just got changed for the water park. I am now waiting for Dean. I was just minding my own business, until I heard my name being called.

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