Day Eight [Edited]

Start from the beginning

“What kind of shifters are you trying to create?”

“Well right now I am working on canine as well as feline shifters. Brooke is pregnant with Feline triplets, due in a week, and we are waiting until birth to see what the outcome is. For some reason she didn’t take to the canine.” Gabriel always seems to get so excited when he talks about his project. I am so glad he has found something that makes him happy.

“So far we have never had a feline shifter so hopefully that works. As for your canine shifters we have found that a human and a wolf shifter will always have human babies because human is dominant. You will have to find a way to make the wolf dominant rather than recessive. I would be more than happy to donate a little blood to help your cause.”

“Thank you so much.”

“It’s not a problem. I also wanted to extend the invitation, Aiden is technically of relation to Alpha Nairo therefore when he is ready he is more than welcome to join the Nairo pack. I am going to talk to the council but I am sure they will agree with me when I say that if he is accepted by the pack when he will be welcome to challenge for the title of Alpha. It is rightfully his but with the way packs work we can't just give it to him.”

Aiden POV

I can’t believe it! Alpha Michael wants me in his pack! I won’t be alone anymore. This is so exciting. That night I couldn’t sleep well. Thoughts of becoming a part of a pack were just too exciting to leave the forefront of my mind. To join the pack there is a shifting ceremony. Alpha Michael said I was free to go on pack territory but I can’t join the pack until I can shift. I tried a little bit before bed but couldn’t get more than a few hairs to appear. They went away almost as fast as they came.

Gabriel POV

With the blood sample from the Alpha I sent most of the night in the lab comparing past serum’s to see what was consistent and what changed. I think I might have located the problem this time. I had thought I solved it last time but I was even further than before. The serum and the blood sample DNA are almost exact. I need to find someone who wants to be a volunteer for me to try it on. Maybe Brooklyn will know someone.

As I walked upstairs I quickly found Brooke. She was breathing deeply as if she was in pain. I asked her if she was okay and she kept saying she was fine, just minor pain. We saw differently when her water broke right there in the kitchen. I yelled for Addyson and Aiden to come inside. I got Cameron on the phone and he dropped everything to come get the kids. He said he would call Kira and meet us at the hospital in a few. Enough said I carried Brooke to the car and drove like I was on fire.

We reached the hospital just in time. She was already dilated to eight centimeters. As the doctors got her ready for delivery I got a text from Cameron saying they were there. Within the hour the doctors were telling Brooke to push. At 10: 52 pm I became a father to another beautiful baby girl. At 7lbs 6oz and 18 inches long she already had me wrapped around her fingers. The contractions seemed to stop only moments before we started on baby number two. The sounds of Brooke in pain just tore me apart but I knew it would all be over soon. All I could do was hold her hand and be there for her. She pushed about two hours and at 1:13 Am I finally had my second son. He was bigger than the first at 8lbs 2oz and 21 inches long.

After giving birth to two children Brooke was running out of steam. She was pushing as hard as she could but it seemed to not be doing anything. At 1:30 am she was rushed into emergency C-section.  At 2:05 am my third daughter was born. She was small, only 6lbs 7oz. she was 17 inches long and a total string bean. The striking part was her blond hair. The first two had brown hair.

It took about two hours to be ready to bring anybody in. When we allowed people into the room I hadn’t realized that my parents had come. Cameron must have called them. I introduced my parents to Brooke. Her and my mom just seemed to click right away.

Tampered (NaNoWriMo13) *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now