o14: The Most Cunning Witch of Them All

Start from the beginning

“What?” Melissa snapped.

“I forgot you’re in Transfiguration club.” She said in disgust. Melissa sneered at her and strode out of the common room, Cassie soon at her heels. They caught a quick breakfast with Ayanna and Luna before heading to their classes for that day. Once more, the professors gave them an obscene amount of homework—not seeming to realize they had other classes that assigned homework as well.

Melissa, Cassie, and Ayanna waited outside of the potions classroom. Draco leaning cooly against the wall next to Melissa, waving around some signed piece of paper with a cutesy signature on it. Professor Umbridge had approved the Slytherin Quidditch to play and he was blabbing his mouth about how he didn’t know if Gryffindor would get approved. His father had some weight at the Ministry and it was easy for Draco to get them approved. Then he had a go at Ron’s father and after a comment about the mental ward at St. Mungoes, Neville went mental and charged at Malfoy. Within the second Melissa was in front of Draco with her wand at pointed at Neville—Cassie and Ayanna saying her name in fear—and Harry was struggling to keep him back. Crabbe and Goyle soon stepped in front Draco, who pulled Melissa back to him quickly, holding her tightly.

“Don’t do that again,” he hissed furiously. In potions class Draco pulled Melissa beside him, glaring aggressively at Neville and Harry—Goyle stayed with them and Crabbe went over to Cassie and Ayanna, whom were none too happy about the sudden switch.

The rest of the class that Melissa had with the Gryffindors, Draco stayed unusually close to her, Crabbe and Goyle standing close by her sides. By the end of classes for the day Melissa had to sneak away from the two oafs while Draco trotted off to talk to Professor Snape.

“Ice cream,” Melissa exclaimed and pointed down the hallway. The two goons looked and Melissa took off in the other directions heading straight for the Great Hall. As she turned a corner she stopped abruptly only barely stopping herself from running into Professor McGonagall.

“I’m sorry, Professor,” she said quickly.

“I was just looking for you, Ms. Penbrooke. Come with me,” she said and walked off. Melissa looked around the hallway, slightly confused, and took off after the professor.

“Ma’am, may I ask where we are going?” she asked politely, shoving her papers into her black bag.

“I need your help getting Transfiguration club approved by the new High Inquisitor.” She said looking as though it pained her to say the title Professor Umbridge had been given.

“And how am I supposed to help, exactly?” she asked curiously, looking at the Professor.

“Penbrooke, you are one of the most cunning people I have ever met at this school. I believe you’ve managed to get out of every detention you’ve been given here.” Professor McGonagall said with a huff.

“All except yours, professor,” said Melissa with a tacky smile. McGonagall let a proud smirk appear on her face before arriving at Professor Umbridge’s office, the smile fading rapidly. She looked down at Melissa, who took a deep breath and knocked daintily on the door.

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