Chapter 30 - PDA

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Christen's POV

"You okay?" JJ sat down next to me on the field, as I was stretching out my sore ankle. I nodded as I tried forcing my most genuine smile, but she saw right through it.

"Chris, don't push yourself. You'll get back, but if you keep pushing it you're causing more harm than good." Julie spoke serious, and I let out a deep sigh in response.

"I know that." I mumbled out, now resting my leg on the grass. My ankle was clearly swollen, something it's been after every game, and even though it's getting better, it's not getting better fast enough. The Olympics are closing in, and I need my ankle to be good right now.

"It's just frustrating." I added, closing my eyes as I tried not to think about the pain too much. Julie was the one to sigh now, then giving me one of those looks that I've been getting a lot lately. She feels sorry for me, they all do.

"You excited to see Tobin though?" I felt the corners of my lips turn upwards just from hearing Tobin's name. It's been about a month since I've seen her, and even though we talk every day I still miss her like crazy.

We're playing the Thorns on June 12, but Tobin is getting here on the 8th. She got permission from her coaches to get on a flight a little early, seeing as their schedule has been crazy the first weeks and they all feel kinda bad for dragging them around everywhere. For me personally it would make the whole thing ten times better. A week isn't nearly enough, but it's all that we can hope for at the moment.

"So excited." I answered Julie's question after some moments of drifting away, and the smirk on her face told me she had noticed.
"Remember there's a game to play though, you can't stay in bed all day." She joked, still with that smug face. I let out a full on grin now, pushing JJ playfully in the shoulder.

"I'm not making any promises." I joked back, getting the reaction I was hoping for from Julie. "Ugh, okay, never mind." She made a grossed out grimace, and I was satisfied seeing as I knew she hates when I play along.


'Lindsey just dropped me off and I'm about to board, see you in a couple hours beautiful' I got back in the locker room and saw a text from Tobin when I found my phone. My smile grew wide again, and I felt butterflies in my stomach like some teenager in love. It was almost an hour since she sent the text, meaning after I get home and change I can drive straight to the airport and pick her up. I was beyond excited.

I tried my best not to rush, knowing that if I did I would have to wait longer at the airport, but it was practically impossible. I couldn't wait to hug her again, to feel her strong arms around me and hold me tight.

"Flight from Portland will be landing in 15 minutes." The voice on the speakers spoke as I entered the crowded and busy Chicago airport. As I was waiting impatiently by the exit were Tobin will soon come out, I noticed a couple soccer fans recognizing me.

"That's Christen Press."
"Oh my god, Christen, can we say hi?"
"Don't bother her, I'm sure she's waiting for someone."

I couldn't help but smile as I overheard the conversation, and I was pleased to hear how polite they were. They didn't want to overstep and I appreciated that, but it honestly just made me want to say hi to them even more.

"Hey, I like your jersey." I turned around and smiled to the small group of about five girls standing there. I noticed one wearing a national team jersey with the number 17 on it, and it made me happy to see. The girls all looked somewhat terrified that I spoke, but also ver happy that I did.

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