A scowl forms on his face. "I have no business with you. Get lost" he says, turning his back to me and walking away.

I sigh, feeling exhausted in every way possible. "Please, Sasuke... Just one minute... Please listen to me" I plead, not being able to keep the desperation from my voice.

Sasuke stops, turning to face me before sighing and motioning for Obito and Zetsu to leave the room. Obito groans but obeys nonetheless. He attempts to bump my shoulder on his way out but I skillfully take a step away before he could do so. Once I hear the door shut close, I take a deep breath before slowly walking towards Sasuke.

He sits on the bed, awaiting what I have to say. I'm thankful he was avoiding eye contact because it would just make everything harder if he looked at me.

"I know you're mad at me for siding with the Kages and Naruto. But you have to understand my motives" I started.

"You've thrown your lot in with them. What's the explanation for that?" he grunts.

I sigh, running a hand through my hair in frustration... "You attacked the Summit and almost killed everyone in there just to get to Danzo, what's the explanation for that?" I spat.

He snaps his furious eyes towards me. "I wanted to avenge Itachi!" he reasoned.

"By killing innocent people just to get to one guilty person?" I ask in disbelief.

He stood up and glared down at me. "My clan was full of innocent people! And The Leaf killed all of them!" he argued.

"That was Madara's fault!" I exclaim.

"No, it was their fault that my clan died!" he shouts.

"It was Madara's fault that the village shunned the Uchiha in the first place!" I shout back.

"You know what?! Clearly, you've sided with The Leaf! So what are you still doing here?!" he asks in frustration.

"I'm here for you! I'm here because I'm worried about the way you acted a while ago!" I say.

"You're worried about me and yet you chose to defend those lowlifes instead of standing by my side?!" he asks.

"That was because you kept on killing innocent people who had nothing to do with your clan's massacre! I get that you wanted to kill Danzo, I let you do just that! But killing the other Kages, killing innocent samurai and ninja?! I would have sided with you if you chose to kill everyone involved with the Uchiha Clan Massacre! But no, you just killed every other innocent person out there because you are so blinded with you want for revenge!" I exclaim.

"You have no idea what you're talking about! They are all enjoying their lives back in The Leaf Village at the cost of Itachi's suffering! I can hear them! They're all laughing, having fun, enjoying themselves without even knowing what my brother went through just fo-"

"I'm not laughing, Sasuke! Naruto, Sakura and Kakashi-sensei, they aren't enjoying and they aren't laughing! They are miserable! They've been miserable for the past three years ever since you decided to just up and leave the village! Why can't you see that not the whole world is against you?! Naruto came all the way to The Land of Iron to ask the Raikage to give you pardon! He believes in you and he stands by you even when the world stands against you! Me and Naruto, we have always been here for you!" I scream at the top of my lungs, feeling tears form at the corner of my eyes.

"I don't care about you or about Naruto!" he exclaims.

And at that moment, my heart felt like it broke into a million pieces. I shouldn't have been surprised, seeing as he has been treating me less these past few weeks... But to have him verbally state that he doesn't care about me anymore just makes it clear...... It just intensifies the pain a lot more... The hurt, the betrayal felt like a ton of bricks on my chest.

You're My Happiness (Sasuke Uchiha Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now