Chapter Nineteen

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A/N: First off, yes this chapter is extremely long. That's to make the last chapter dramatic before we head to the Epilogue. Anyway, this chapter kind of makes me cry probably because I already know the ending. Yes, peeps, the end is near. One more chapter to go and then the epilogue. Anyway, enjoy the chapter my puddings! (Just watched Suicide Squad, btw and I loved it. Although, Harley and Joker's love story isn't really like that... It's more brutal and tragic but hey, who's complaining?)

Okay, back to the story! Enjoy it peeps!

Me: *whispering weirdly* Enchantress (disappears in a puff of smoke because Enchantress is a fudging ninja now)

Chapter Nineteen


Two bodies suddenly break through the surface of the sea, gasping for air as they both had been underwater for quite a long time. Soon, four more wet bodies burst through the water, also replenishing their lungs with new oxygen.

"Sea water's shit, tastes like a kick, ya fool!" Killer Bee raps, focusing chakra onto his feet and easily walking to the nearest land.

Shaking her head, Kamina's wooden clone huffs out an annoyed breath. "That doesn't even make sense, Killer Bee-sama" she mutters mostly to herself, focusing chakra on the soles of her feet to allow her to walk alongside Killer Bee to shore.

Kamina's four cats, Raiden, Chiharu, Natsumi, and Hiyuna, all walk along the surface of the water as well.

"Ugh, I hate water! It makes my fur so icky!" Chiharu says disgustedly, shaking her fur in high hopes of taking off as much water as possible.

"I agree with you, Chiharu. It is quite uncomfortable" Natsumi agrees gently, also shaking her body to rid her fur of the soaking water although she does it much more lightly than Chiharu.

"Look, we're all cats, alright? So it's natural for us to hate water" Raiden says, roughly shaking and splashing water onto Natsumi and Chiharu.

"Hey! We just dried ourselves off, you know!" Chiharu complains, once again shaking herself to get rid of the water.

Natsumi merely shakes her head before following Chiharu's actions.

Hiyuna stays silent throughout all of this, choosing to focus on the back of Kamina's head. She was a friendly cat, really. She just didn't really know how to engage in conversation with her fellow feline species. She was usually shy and the only people she really talked to was her brother and Kamina. Although, the other cats would sometimes try to talk to her but she always ended up having nothing to say and only replying with one syllable words.

Finally, they all reach the shore. Kamina stares at how far the village was before sighing exasperatedly. Even if she was just a Wood Style Clone, walking that far is going to be a total drag.

"Let's go... Who knows what's awaiting us in the Raikage's office" she mutters, dragging herself to the Raikage Tower off in the distance.

Ah, how right she was... What awaits them in the Raikage's office was beyond their imagination.

Ai slams his fist down on his newly brought table, easily crushing it into splinters like the last one he had broken just moments ago.

Mabui sighs exasperatedly, shaking her head and already thinking about ordering yet another table for the sixth time this week. Maybe she should get an iron table so the Raikage wouldn't easily be able to crush it into millions of tiny pieces.

Darui stands beside the Raikage, a sweatdrop forming on the side of his head as he inches away from his angry master. It was times like this when he was really afraid of the Lord Raikage.

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