Chapter Sixteen

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A/N: Two updates in one day! Hell yeah, baby! Anyway, this chapter is super duper extra long. Just a warning, you might want a box of tissue next to you when you read this. I cried writing it so some of you might cry reading it. Anyway, enjoy! Three more chapters and it's finally done!

Chapter Sixteen


I leaped from tree to tree as I tried to track down the whereabouts of Sasuke and the others. It's been eight hours since I left the leaf with the conditional breaks every three hours. I sent out butterflies to scout the area in hopes of finding Sasuke. But still to no avail.

Suddenly, a blue butterfly flew beside me and landed on my shoulder. Using my chakra, I got inside the insect's head and got every info. Afterwards, I set the butterfly free. I ran faster because I found out that they were at this village only a few more miles away.

As I got closer and closer, I started to see the small village. As I landed on the village entrance, I sighed.

"Where to start looking?" I asked myself before I finally walked inside.

I kept on looking and looking and looking until I finally rolled my eyes. "It's impossible to find them at this condition" I muttered while getting squished in a huge crowd of villagers.

I continued to walk around the small, calm village until I felt familiar presences walking on the other street. I quickly jumped over a building and landed on the other lane only to come face-to-face with Team Hebi.

Karin, out of surprise, jumped and clung to Suigetsu like he was her life line. Wow... She gets frightened by a mere person jumping off the roof? No wonder she's only in this group for her sensory skills and her healing abilities.

Noticing who she had her arms wrapped around, Karin grew an anime vein and bonked Suigetsu on the head which caused him to groan in annoyance. "What the heck was that for?!" he whined

"Don't touch me, you shark freak!" Karin screeched

"You're the one who jumped on me, you psycho!"

I merely rolled my eyes. Yup... They remind me of Naruto and Sakura most of the time.

As my eyes landed on a certain Uchiha, I saw him already staring intently at me. You could feel the tension radiating off of us as our eyes made contact. To break the awkwardness, I gave him a small smile.

"Hey" I greeted softly to which his eyes softened and his stoic face fell.

"Hi" he greeted back, voice hoarse.

I smiled at him one last time before facing the others. "So where are we going?" I asked

"Kamina!" Karin squealed and immediately tackled me.

I giggled slightly before tackling her back. Suigetsu, being the gentleman that he is, offered his hand to help me up which I accepted with a smile. Although, he did leave Karin on the floor.

"Hey!" the said red-head complained. I and Suigetsu laughed before I offered my hand to her.

"Why did you just vanish anyway?" Suigetsu wondered as he slung his arm around my shoulder.

I smiled. "Just went to visit some friends" I replied

Suigetsu raised his eyebrow in question but decided to let it slide. Jugo went beside me and put his hand on my shoulder.

"We're glad you're back" he smiled and I returned the gesture.

"Hey!" I barked "No one's answered my question yet! Where are we heading to?" I asked

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