Chapter Thirteen

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Hey guys! It's been a month since I last updated! And I apologize sincerely! School's been hectic, my friends! A lot of projects and tests! Anywho, here's another update! Oh and I have something to inform you guys! During the past month, I've been watching a lot of other animes which is one of the reasons why I couldn't update. And let me tell you that I've finally seen boys much hotter than Sasuke!

Sasuke: What do you mean hotter than me? >:(
Me: *rolls eyes and scoffs* I mean guys that are actually more attractive and have more defined bodies than you! Not to mention shay have a more amazing personality!
Sasuke: *scoffs* I'm an Uchiha. What kind of guy could be hotter than I?
Me: Let me give you a list, ya bastard! Let's start of with Kai Toshiki.
Sasuke: Pfft! You mean that stupid card fighter from vanguard? He's a lost cause! I'm stronger than him and our personalities are not even different!
Me: Yeah, but he's still hotter than you, ya jerk! And don't call him stupid! He's a legend that leaves destruction wherever he goes!
Kamina: Hi! What's going on here?
Me: *smiled brightly* Oh hi there, Kamina! I was just talking about how Kai Toshiki is hotter than Sasuke.
Sasuke: *smirks* Like that will ever happen. I'm hotter, right, Mina-chan?
Kamina: Oh my gosh! You are totally right! And I mean, Kai is just so awesome and he doesn't even use jutsus. He's really hot *dreamy look*
Sasuke: -_-
Me: Ha! She's replacing you already! Just wait until she meets Togami! She'll forget all about you, ya jerk!
Kamina: You mean Togami Byakuya?! That hottie from Danganronpa?
Me: Totally!
Sasuke: That's it! Karin!
Karin: *blushed flirtatiously while playing with hair* Yes, Sasuke-kun?
Sasuke: *smirks* Let's go for some alone time.
Me and Kamina: Oh he did not just say that!
Sasuke: While you girls have fun with your fantasy boys from other animes, I'll have fun with Karin.
Me: Like you'll have fun with that sack of shit.
Karin: Hey! *gets mad*
Me: Oh shut up, ya bimbo! I'll kill you, ya jerk!
Sasuke: Pft! *notices Kamina's dangerous look* Mina-chan?
Kamina: *glares darkly at Sasuke* You think Karin can give you a good time? You think she can take you better than I can?! Guess again, Raven! Summoning Jutsu!

*Kamina's cats arrive to scratch Sasuke and Karin to death. Mwahahahahahahahaah*

Chapter Thirteen


"How long has she been like this?" I asked Shizune with a sweatdrop and my eyes still focused on Lady Tsunade, lying drunk on her desk with a bottle of sake almost slipping from her right hand.

Shizune gave out a nervous laugh and rubbed the back of her neck. "Well... It has been an hour since I tried to wake her up... But you know how she is with her temper" she said

I sighed and smacked my palm onto my forehead... "I see... Well... I guess I'm the only one that can wake her up... You know... the hard way" I said

Shizune nodded... "H-hai... But didn't you always get smacked when you wake her up the hard way?" she asked

"Yeah... But I really need to talk to her and this is the only way" I said

"I... I understand" Shizune stated

I clapped my hands together. "Then I guess it would be best for you to exit the room first... You wouldn't want to get involved in her rage" I said

Shizune looked at me nervously before nodding and frantically leaving the room. Once the door was shut, I gulped before making my way to the Hokage's table... Once I was in front of the wooden desk, I lifted my arm high up and took a deep breath... Get prepared for another Tsunade Smack that you haven't experienced in years...

I took another deep breath before forcefully bringing my hand down on the wooden desk, inches from Lady Tsunade's face, causing it to rattle with a loud smack sound echoing over the walls.

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