Chapter Twelve

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A/N: Okay, guys, so it's been about two weeks since my last update and the exams are finished. Yaay! Time for some rest and relaxation! Anyway, I've been doing some math with the last chapter and........

Me: *crying*
Sasuke: Tch. Idiot, why the heck are you crying?
Me: *glares at Sasuke* None of your business, you idiotic jerk!
Sasuke: Tch! Idiot.
Kamina: Hey, what's going on here? Why are you crying, Author-san?
Me: Because I've been doing some math and it said that only 19% of my readers leave a vote while only 7% leaves a comment
Leiko: Toshiko, you fool!
Toshiko: Leiko, you bum!
Chiharu: *sigh* Sometimes, being older doesn't mean you're more matured than your minors.
Natsumi: Hi Toshiko
Toshiko: *blushes* Hi Natsumi
Leiko: *smirks evilly* Hey Natsumi, Toshiko still pisses while sleeping in bed.
Natsumi: *blushed and wide eyes*
Raiden: I'm seexxxxy!
Leiko: *blushes* No you're not, ya pig!
Hiroshi: I'm silent
Hiyuna: Me too.
Kamina: -___-' ..... Just enjoy the chapter guys. I've got a lot to do here.

Chapter Twelve


"So, tell me about your trip with Sasuke at the moment" Shikamaru said, both of us sitting on top of my apartment's roof... The place where I first slept with Sasuke a few years ago.

"Wait! How'd you know about that?!" I ask, turning my head to face him.

"Your cats told me before they took you away... They said you don't want other people seeing you break down..... You know, that's really selfless of you to comfort us even though you're trying so hard to comfort yourself at the same time" he said, averting his eyes from the night sky and smiling at me...

I returned his smile before deciding on answering his question... "Well... Sasuke's forming a team to kill Itachi... I think that's all I can spill for now... I don't want to feel like I'm betraying him or any of you" I said honestly

"It's okay... I understand... I told the others to not tell anyone until you tell us to... So your secret's safe with us"

"Thanks, Shika"

A few moments of silence passed, just us staring into the horizon.

"Sister, I'm going to ask you a question and I want you to answer me honestly" Shikamaru said

I turned to him and titled my head to the side... "Okay, what's that?"

He sighed before continuing. "Do you still love him?"

Caught off guard, the breath was nearly knocked out of me as I looked at him... "Shikamaru... I-"

"Yes or no, Kamina"

I stared at him before giving in... No use in hiding the truth... "Yes... Yes I love him so much" I answered

"I thought so" Shikamaru said, instead of judgment, I saw understanding in his eyes as he stared at me.

"Why ask such a question?" my turn to ask

"I don't know... I just wanted to make sure... You do know that this is going to be complicated, right?" he asked

I looked at the ground, knowing that that is the truth... He's labeled as a criminal now... Of course this is going to be complicated... "Yeah" I answered

"And you're still in on it?"

"I love him, Brother... I'm hoping that one day he will look past his hatred and see how much I can love him along with his other friends"

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