Chapter 4 - Fight & Flee

Start from the beginning

It can’t be. No, it can’t be happening. I don’t know what’s happening around me. I can feel him between my legs, ripping my jeans and panties off like a sex hungry baboon. His lips are all over my body. And then I feel the burning pain wrecking my world into quadrillion pieces. I can hear a faraway scream. I don’t know if it’s me or someone else. I feel myself shivering. A jerking shiver that rocks my body.

I feel someone shaking my body violently, calling my name at the same time. I feel the visions fading away slowly. I can hear the sounds around me much clearer.

After when the erratic behavior of my body subsides, I open my eyes slowly connecting them with the grey ones of Xander Kegel. The person that has been shaking my body. I take a deep breath as the realization that I’m still in class finally kicks in. I whip my head around in a quick three-sixty only to find all the eyes focused on me. I suddenly feel my breathing getting shallow. My chest starts heaving up and down, my heart pounding at a speed I never experienced before. I can’t breathe. My muscles are trembling. I can’t…

I’m having a panic attack.

Without having a clear knowledge of what I’m doing, I feel myself standing up, moving. Going somewhere. I don’t know where but somewhere I’ll be able to breathe. I need to get out of here. My legs are wobble-y. They’re giving out on me. I don’t know what’s happening to me. I feel someone’s hand on my shoulder. The person’s trying to pull me back. I don’t know who or what it is. I don’t even know if it’s real or not.

And then I remember what He did to me.

Please don’t touch me. Don’t touch me, no. Don’t touch me.

I chant silently, suddenly feeling myself kneeing and punching something. Someone. I can’t see anything. Probably I do but I don’t know what I see. My arms and legs are moving, rushing, delivering quick blows. Beating at the thing. Then I feel hands pulling me away.

The last thing I remember myself doing is trying to squirm out of the person’s hold, kicking my legs up in the air helplessly and then everything goes black.


Why am I only seeing black? Did I get blind or what? Oh, God, no. Not blindness. I’ve no one that can take care of me. What will happen to me if that’s the case? With all these questions razing my mind, I don’t realize my eyes are pressed shut and a quick internal sigh of relief escapes my mouth as I become aware of these fact.

“How long until she regains consciousness again dad?” I hear an oddly familiar voice break through the eerie silence. Wait… I remember that voice. Isn’t that Ndeshi? And who is she calling dad? Why is there an unconscious person at my apartment? That’s if we’re even at my apartment? As if struck by a sudden déjà vu, the soft beep-beep sound crack through my earholes. Where the hell am I? Or better yet, what the hell happened to me?

I try to remember what I did last but everything comes out blank. I only have one clear memory of being in the English class from there everything transforms into traces of nothings.

“Soon honey.” A masculine voice answers. “Don’t worry she’ll be okay. It’s the medication we gave her to calm her mind that’s taking so long to wear off. One thing though…” he trails.

“What?” Ndeshi or whoever it is questions impatiently.

“Did she go through a dramatic experience recently?”

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