Chapter 25

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"He doesn't love me anymore Niall, he probably played me the whole time." Louis complained to Niall over the phone. 

"Are you sure he doesn't?" 

"Its Layla, ever since she got here he's been distant and now he's completely pushed me away." 

"Louis you need to talk to him before you just walk out on the job." 

"I can't, I can't look at him without feeling humiliated." 

"Maybe he was just upset and didn't mean it, either way you have to talk to him." 


"No buts Louis, talk to him. And give him the present, he might like it. Gotta run but keep me updated!" 

And before Louis could answer, he heard Niall put the phone down. A very annoying habit of his, however Louis loved him all the same. 

Looking over at the asylum, he could see a police car, his boss to be exact. Quickly, he ran through the guest house, getting to his boss just before he walked through the doors. 

"Ah Louis there you are! Can we go some where private? I've got some pretty good news." 

"Yeah sure." Louis smiled, leading his boss through to the therapy room. As he did, he noticed the look on the mans face as he took in the horrors of Canehill, behind the fancy outdoor exterior. 

They sat in the therapy room, Louis nervously watching his boss pull the case file out of his bag and lay it on the table. 

"Remember when you told me to look over these pictures?" Louis nodded along. "You were right, there was someone else in the house at the time. Its hard to determine whether this person is an officer or someone else, but were not completely ruling it out. This counts as evidence, so were going back to the house to double check every single thing for finger prints and DNA, see if we can find an anomaly here." 

Louis felt the urge to almost cheer with delight at this, but he remained calm. "This is a good start, so is there a team out there now?" 

"Yes, but I came to collect you, I thought you'd want to come along?" 

"I- yeah of course." 

"Great, lets get going." 

They sat in the car together, a small silence at first before the older man spoke up. 

"Louis, have you noticed any - lets say - weird things going on it that place?" 

Louis took a deep breath, knowing he was about to tell his boss what Harry had told him in confidence. "Yes, actually, too many. The patients aren't looked after at all, they get beat, raped, all sorts. It's hard to tell how many actually get violated, many of the women i'd suspect. The warden in my opinion isn't running it correctly at all." 

"I'm going to make a note of it, we'll get this place under an inspection if the court allows us to." 

Louis nodded, grateful that he worked for a good willed man. It wasn't long before they pulled up outside a smallish looking house, Louis assumed this was Harry's. 

"Wasn't Harry only 15, how could he have lived here alone?" 

"He didn't, this was his mothers house. She moved after the incident." 

Louis looked away awkwardly before following through to the forensics team who were taking samples all over the place. 

"Don't touch anything, just follow me, theres something I want you to look at." 

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