Chapter 22

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"Do you ever shut up?" 

"Do you ever think about being nice for once?" 


"I don't see why you won't just give me the run down on this place." 

"You wanna know what happens here, really?" 

"Thats what I asked you, didn't I?" 

Harry rolled his eyes, "You'll see people getting beaten, even raped by each other and the guards, the food is at least 2 days old, the hygiene is unsatisfactory. People go missing all the time, usually they're actually dead, or hiding. The warden uses electroshock therapy, and whipping, he's an all time psycho, believe me, you don't wanna know the rest." 

"This place is bad, someone needs to do something." 

"Thats why Louis' here." 

"Is there something going on between you two?" Layla asked Harry. 


"If I tell you why I'm really here will you tell me the truth about you two?" 

"That depends on why you're really here." 

"For real?" Louis almost squealed down the phone.

"Yes Louis, you can come and get it if you like?" 

"I'll be with you in 20 minutes!" 

Surely enough, 20 minutes later Louis was stood on Anne's door step, being invited inside. 

"Can I get you anything, tea, coffee?" 

"Water is fine thank you." Louis smiled, sitting down on the small sofa. 

Anne shortly came back with two drinks, settling down opposite Louis. 

"I had to photocopy this, you can't tell anyone I'm the one who got it you okay? Please?" 

"Of course not, this is all on me." 

Anne handed over a piece of paper, showing just another part of the evidence Louis needed. Jason's birth certificate, showing a man by the name of John Gerald was his father, his mother being named as Elena Gerald. 

"I'm not sure if this shows what you wanted it to, but I'm 100% sure that this is the same Jason." Anne noted. 

"I can't thank you enough for this Anne, Harry will be so happy!" 

"I'm glad to help, he's my son at the end of the day." 

Louis nodded contently as he sipped his water. 

"So what next then?" Anne asked. 

"I really have no idea, but I'm sure Harry will." 

Louis excitedly unlocked Harry's cell, "Harry!" 

"Lou! Hey where've you been?" 

"I need you in therapy, like now." 

"Uh yeah yeah, just give me a second." 

"I'll meet you down there" Louis smiled, shutting the door behind him. 

"Don't tell him, please." Layla broke her silence when Louis left. 

"He can help you though." 

"No, he can't know, he will act differently." 

"I don't know if I should keep secrets from him Layla." Harry hesitated. 

"It won't be for long, please, don't tell anyone." 

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