Chapter 16

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"Another date would be great" Louis lied to Tom- who was currently asking him on another date. 

"I'll pick you up at 7 on Friday, dinner at mine?" 

"Sounds amazing" Louis' lied again, but finally- he gets to see where Tom lives. 

"Have a good day Louis" Tom called as he walked off to the asylum, leaving Louis alone in the lobby. 

Louis sighed, looking at his watch before going to the toilet and then heading over to the asylum. 

He was strolling down the hallway, passing the main bathrooms on his way to Harry's cell, keeping his head down to avoid the guards. 

"Watch where the fuck you're-"



Louis shook his head, staring up at Harry who had a towel wrapped around his waist, his top half dripping wet as Louis bumped into him. 

"Sorry" Harry laughed at Louis who was still staring. 

"Why are you- like, yeah..." Louis gestured to the half naked Harry before him. 

"I had a shower while no one else was in there, forgot my clothes." Harry said embarrassed. 

"Not a bad thing." 

"For you at least" Harry smirked, heading back to his cell with Louis following him. 

When they got inside, Louis pushed the door shut, turning around he was met with Harry dropping his towel. His cheeks flushed pink as Harry turned around, raising an eyebrow at him. 

"Im sorry- you're- Im-" Louis stuttered and laughed nervously as Harry pulled on some underwear. 

"Cat got your tongue?" 

"I-no" Louis shook his thoughts away. "Please put some clothes on" he mumbled. 

"Don't you like -" 

"I like it too much ok so just put clothes on." Louis squeaked out quickly. 

Harry smirked again, pulling his clothes on and then pulling Louis to sit down with him. His curls were still damp, but never mind.

"So whats up?" Harry eyed him after a few minutes of silence. 

"I um...I'm going on another date with Tom." 

"You're fucking what?" 

"No no let me explain. Im going to his house." 

"Wait, so this is a good thing?" 

"Yeah...I'll do a little sneaking around and stuff and see what I find." 

"No frick frackling." 

"Frick frackling?" Louis laughed. 

"No sex." 

"Harry you're so paranoid about this, stop." 

"I just really-" 

"Like me, I know." 

Harry frowned at Louis' manner. "You don't have to be so rude about it." 

"I wasn't being rude." 

"Yes you were, this is a joke to you isn't it? I knew I shouldn't have told you. You don't even like me, I bet you laugh about my feelings don't you? Ugh you're so-" 

"Stop chatting shit Harry." 

"Excuse me?" 

"Just shut up, you're being an idiot." 

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