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There are many things worth living for, a few things worth dying for, and nothing worth killing for.

Well, unless it's to save your own skin. Self defence right?


More like murder. 

Murder is an abstract word, really. The law defines it one way, but who's to say that's the real definition?

Murder doesn't have to be pulling a gun and watching the body drop, apparently. It's not about a man killing another, but more the pleasure of taking a life with no regret.

But it's harder to heal than it is to kill. 

But whether you take pleasure in it or not, whether it was an accident or on purpose. You're still going to be labeled as a criminal. Mental. Dangerous. Most of all; 


Murder seems like the magic act at Canehill Criminally Insane Asylum. It's the gossip of the place. The entertainment. Everyone wants to know why, how, who, when.

It's all eyes on him.

The 19 year old boy. The one with soft chocolate curls. The one with the plump lips and piercing green eyes. The one with the perfect jaw line and the lean tattooed body. The one with the broad shoulders, and the husky deep voice. The one everyone wanted to talk about, get inside his head, manipulate, and figure him out.

The murderer.

Or so they say.

Not a single investigator had been able to break through on his case. They were all too scared and just wanted the money. But none of them ever found out the truth. And that's why he was still sat in a room full of crazy people, rotting away. 

He may as well just accept it. 

That it was murder.

No one was going to believe him anyway.

His reputation was too strong for some one to believe he was innocent. He was a monster.

Or at least that's what the file that Louis was reading through told him.

Louis never wanted to take on this case. He was new to the job as an investigator. He didn't want his life on the line for the sake of finding out some ones innocence, or guilt. He didn't want to sit in a small room and talk to the boy. He was terrified to have to work with the lad, having heard his story.

But something seemed to intrigue him, so never the less, he took the case on.

But no one ever warned him that curiosity killed the cat.

He found that out all by himself. 

Lunatic- Larry StylinsonKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat