Chapter 12

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"Louis I don't think you should do this."

"Harry if I back out now he'll know something is going on." 

"But Lou-" 

Louis held his hand up to Harry to silence him. They were currently in the therapy room, going over todays plan, but they were getting no where with Harry constantly complaining about Louis' date tonight. 

"No Louis, I'm serious, I don't want you to go." 

Louis groaned in frustration at Harry. "Stop telling me what to do." 

"I don't trust him around you." 

"I can handle my own Harry." 

Harry went to argue back, but before he could get the sentence out Louis started talking over him. 

"We're not even in a relationship or anything. You can't expect me to just cancel plans because you don't like it, I'm your therapist not your boyfriend and I-" 

"You weren't saying that when I was fucking you though, were you?" Harry snapped back, his face smug as Louis' mouth dropped. 

"Why does everything have to be about sex with you huh? Is that what you're worried about? That i'll sleep with him? Maybe I just migh-" 

Louis was cut off with a loud crash of the books on the table hitting the floor. He turned around, wanting to hide away in a hole. When his eyes met Harry's, Harry was red in the cheeks, breathing deeply with his fists clenched. 

"Harry I'm-" 

"Don't touch me." Harry pulled his arm away from Louis' grasp.

"I just said that bec-" 

"Thats what you think isn't it? You think its all about sex for me?" Harry tried not to scream back. 

"No...well I...yea-" 

"You're wrong Louis. So fucking wrong. You don't understand do you?" He took a deep breath.

"What?" Louis asked, where was this even going? 

"That its not all about sex. I couldn't care less about that right now. It's just a bonus. Louis, you're the first person i've had any type of feelings for in 3 years. You think I want to sit here alone while you're on some poxy date? You really think that I just want to use you?" 

Louis shook his head, looking at the floor as Harry continued. "No. I really like you Louis. Like, really like you. Maybe I love you, I don't fucking know. I can't process feelings like this all at once, I shouldn't be getting this happy giddy flip in my stomach when I see you. But I do, and thats the problem. I do, and I should be the one taking you on a date, not him okay? There I said it." 

Harry walked past Louis, pushing him out of the way with his shoulder. 

"Harry wait I'm sor-" 

"See you at lunch." He mumbled as he slammed the door behind him. 

Louis slumped down in the chair, feeling defeated as he looked at the books on the floor, he whispered under his breath. "Nice one Louis." 

After he cleaned the room up he sat back down, pulling a random book out to see if it was any good. Mental health problems, how ironic. He sighed, trying to read a few pages but that wasn't working. His mind was playing on what Harry said earlier. 

Maybe I love you. 

Surely he doesn't love Louis? He's only known him a month, hardly even that. Maybe its just because Louis' the first person to ever treat Harry fairly, like a normal sane person. Maybe Harry just likes that about him. 

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