Chapter 15

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"Harry you have to tell me." 

"But Lou-" 



Louis smiled contently. They were in the therapy room, a week after their latest ordeal so Louis was trying to get some real work done, but Harry had other things on his mind. 

"I met him when I was 15, in school. My dad had already passed away, and my mum and sister didn't really care to pay me any attention. They didn't think I was lonely, I always had good grades and a few friends. But they weren't really my real friends. I was set to go to a great college in a years time so I was revising for my last exams. Well, Jason was 2 years older than me but got held back a year, and I kept seeing him around school. I wasn't exactly 'out of the closet' because I was never sure of my sexuality. But anyway, he was good looking and I couldn't help but crush on him from a distance. One day he was at the same party as me, and we went home together some how, I don't remember. After that we got talking and after a while he asked me to be his boyfriend, and of course I said yes. He introduced me to his friends and thats when I started getting involved in their parties, drugs, and my grades went terrible. And well yeah, the first time we had sex it was kinda rushed and I didn't really know what to think but I felt loved for once. He was the sweetest person ever besides the drugs. He'd always tell me I was cute and take me on dates. Uhm... But after a few months he started getting forceful, making me have sex when I didn't feel like it. I tried to study again, but he would drag me to his drugs hang out all the time and tell me if I didn't go he'd break up with. And one day he tried to force me to have sex and I refused, and thats when he hit me. He hit me for the first time and didn't stop. I was so so scared Louis. He told me he never loved me, used me for sex and he's 'not even gay', and I started to hit him back and, well thats where the crime scene came from. Obviously in that time, I turned 16, and thats why I got put in here just after i'd turned 16, great birthday present huh?"

Harry took a deep sigh, after 3 years, he finally said it out loud. He finally told the truth that needed to be heard. It was only a brief summary, but it wasn't so bad to say out loud after all. Louis looked at him in between writing down little notes before turning his whole attention to Harry. 

"You know what i'd say to this Harry?" 


"I wouldn't say you're insane. You're a good guy Harry, you just got taken down a wrong path as a teenager. As we grow, our hormones and feelings develop as you know, puberty and all that. At 15, this is what would've been happening to you. Feelings, sexuality, hormones. You're only just getting to understand the world from your own perspective, having the influence of others and media really affects you at this age. And all of a sudden, Jason is the only person who gives you attention, so automatically, the brain tells you that you like this, this is good. You trust him and look up to him because why not? And so you came to associate him with everything good in life. Hence, why you never questioned the drugs, sex or bad grades, because he did it, and it was fine so, surely you'd be ok too. You're not crazy at all, you just got shown the wrong things at a crucial time in your life. You got told all these bad things were ok, and when all that got thrown in your face, you couldn't figure it out for yourself. You probably thought everything was your fault right? So you got angry, angry at him and angry at yourself for thinking he was everything you wanted, but it all came crashing down on you. And now you're in this mess. A sane, confused boy being thrown in here and being told he's a murderer is bound to mess you up even a little. But we can sort this okay? And what ever people say, I want you to know that you're not insane Harry. " 

"Woah I- wow no ones ever said something like that to me. Louis I- you're a genius. I just- shit I can't thank you enough for just being here and being you." Harry engulfed Louis into his arms, the boys face resting against his chest. 

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