Chapter 17

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A stressful day to say the least. 

Louis was currently trying on some poxy outfit to wear over at Tom's tonight. It wasn't that he hated Tom, this just all seemed a little too easy. 

He thought he'd have to sneak into his house or something, but here he was, about to willingly walk in there with Tom. 

So he buttoned up his jacket, sprayed a little aftershave and ran his fingers through his hair before walking off to the lobby. 

"Hey" Louis mumbled, fakely smiling as he approached Tom. 

Tom threatened Harry. 

Tom knows about all the murders. 

Tom makes his skin crawl, basically.

"You look lovely Louis." Tom reached out, placing a hand on his lower back and guiding him to the car. 

After a short journey, they arrived outside a small American diner, bewildering Louis. 

"I thought you were cooking me dinner?" 

"Oh, really, I said that? I forgot." Tom looked around awkwardly. 

It only made Louis more suspicious of what he was hiding. 

"Oh right, well...this is good anyway." Louis smiled, he'd have to find another way to get into that damned house now. 

"Shall we then?" Tom asked and Louis nodded, getting out of the car and hesitantly holding Toms hand when he offered it. 

"Good evening gentlemen, table for two?" 

"Can we have a booth actually?" Tom asked, and the waiter nodded. 

Louis awkwardly followed him to the end of the diner, looking at the black and white floor underneath his feet. 

This would be so much better if he were with Harry. They'd share chocolate milkshakes- because thats Harry's favourite. And Harry would probably tease him by putting cream on his nose, and make fun of how Louis' feet wouldn't reach the floor if he were sat on the tall chairs by the bar. 


Louis shook his head, looking up at Tom who was offering him a menu. 

So he took the menu, and opted for a simple hamburger with cheese and a strawberry milkshake, not paying attention to what Tom ordered. 

"So Louis is it okay if I ask a question?" 

Louis nodded slowly. 

"I just need a favour. So um, I need you to be careful of Harry. He tried to hit me the other day when I took him to his cell. He was saying all sorts of mean things about you." 

Louis mentally rolled his eyes. Bullshit or what? Louis knew exactly what happened, the time Tom was threatening Harry to leave him alone. 

"Uh yeah, sure." 

The waiter strolled over, placing there food down on the table. Well, at least this food is edible to Louis, unlike that seafood place Tom took him. 

"Soooo any siblings?" Louis piped up, digging for information. 

"Umm kinda. Well, my brother passed away a few years ago." 

"Oh, I'm sorry about that. What happened if you don't mind me asking?" 

"He uh, he got well. Manslaughter, murder maybe, I don't know. I uh, I can't talk about it I'm sorry." 


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