20: She

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I awoke back in my bedroom, at home, and for a second I thought perhaps every bad event was just a dream. Sometimes I slept, yes, and had wild dreams because of it.


I looked over to my door. It was my mum. We never really talked all that much, she was very quiet and reserved.

"How long have I been out?" I asked.

"Long enough. Get dressed."

"I am dressed."

"Suit yourself. C'mon."


I sat in the stuffy courtroom, Chris Kendall not next to me. I was that hopeless.

No one rised this time for Judge Zuckerberg, she just walked in with even more GRC officials than last time and sat, looking long and hard at me.

The room fell silent.

"Phillip Lester. You were given twelve days to rebirth Daniel Howell. You have failed. The council will follow it's norm punishment regarding your actions and your parents will also form their own punishment. The charges you face and the mistakes you have made have finally caught up with you. You will be stripped of all Reaper powers and sent away. Do you have any last words before the process begins?"

I sighed. I looked at my mum and then to my dad.

"Sorry, Dan."

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