4- Two-Four-Six-Eight Heard You Like to Fornicate!

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Lunch. Danger. No not enter. Turn back now.

I searched around for an empty table. None. Except...

"Dan! Hey!"

Dan looked like I'd just killed his puppy. "Phil..."

I sat across from him. "What's for lunch today, Danny Boy?"

He blushed at my nichname for him. He opened his lunch box and pulled out some chrisps and a cola.

"That's it? No wonder you're so skinny!"

I didn't eat. I mean, I could but it would make me a bit ill since I'm not supposed to eat.

"I'm not skinny..." Dan opened the cola. "Why don't you eat something, if you're so concerned with proper nutrition?" 

I didn't answer as Dan stood and walked away from me. The bell rang and everyone filed outside. I followed Dan, who didn't object.

There wasn't a playground just a path and benches.

Some cheerleaders were practicing. I smiled in an evil way. I've done this at my old school.

"Hey Dan, wanna see something?"

He shrugged, not looking very interested at all. I walked up behind the pyramid of anorexic blondes.

"Two-four-six-eight heard you like to fornicate!!" I shouted at the top of my lungs. The pyramid tumbled, girls crying and hitting the grass. I ran back to Dan.


Dan smiled a bit. Not fully though.


"It was kinda mean." He said finally. "But funny."

"Well, they don't look nice at all."

"They're not. Trust me."

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