5- Oops...

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It was late, and I stood on the side of the road, waiting. Any second now...

A car came, and another. I watched as they collided, metal and rubber breaking, screams, blood. Perfect.

I could barely see, but the person in the driver's seat must be Cindy Howell. Who else would it be? It was cold and I just wanted to get this job over with. 

I appeared in the back seat, invisible. I touched her shoulder, killing her as the car crashed into a tree.

I opened my eyes, not in the car anymore, but a few feet from it. The crash was still there. This was when I usually saw the victim and told them what had happened. But I didn't see a woman.

I saw Dan.


"Phil?!" He looked scared. Terrified.

"Where's Cindy Howell?" I asked urgently. 

"Mum? I don't know, I was just driving and-"

"What did you say?" I stopped pacing, looking Dan dead in the eyes.

"I was driving?"


"Dan. You're dead. And you're not supposed to be."

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