11: You're The Judge. Oh no. Set Me Freeeeeeeee

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The courthouse was huge and elegant and I felt underdressed in my flannel button down and skinny jeans.

When we entered the courtroom, many GRC officials were there and I tried not to act stupid, which was a daily struggle for me anyway.

"Hi, I'm Chris Kendall. I'm your lawyer." A young man said when I took my seat.


I shook his hand, not trusting him at all.

"All rise for Judge Karman Maria Zuckerberg.

We all stood as a young woman in a judge uniform came out, along with other GRC officials. I tried to hide my fear, but when the judge looked straight at me, I'm pretty sure I whimpered a little bit.

"Please sit." She said after she and the other members had taken their seats.

"Phillip Lester, please join us up here." Judge Zuckerberg smiled at me, but it wasn't a nice smile. I walked up and looked over. Dan sat in the back, completely hidden in the shadows.

"Last night your mission was to collect Cindy Howell's life. Instead, you took an Unworthy's. Why?"

I felt panicky. "It was dark. I couldn't see." I argued, knowing fully well that the night was no excuse.

Judge Zuckerberg wasn't pleased. "You weren't aware that you did not, in fact, kill Cindy until it was too late?"


Judge Zuckerberg wasn't smiling anymore. "I've heard enough. This is your last mistake, Phillip Lester. Your powers are scheduled to be stripped tomorrow morning. Have a nice day."

Chris, I learned, was a pretty shit lawyer, and as my parents led me out, I felt a wetness at my eyes. I never cried.

What was happening to me?


All eyes turned to Dan, who stood up now. "You can't do that!"

"Who are you?" Judge Zuckerberg asked, looking at her papers and files, then to Dan.

"I'm Dan Howell, bitch!"

"Dan, sh-"

Dan ran up to the front where I still stood. He grabbed my arm, my parents backing away.

"I'm who Phil accidentally killed last night. Give him a chance to help me. Please."

Judge Zuckerberg didn't say anything for a long time. Then she did.

"Better find yourself an angel of the lord, Mr. Lester. You have twelve days to bring your friend here back. A more suitable Reaper will tend to Mrs. Howell. Once the twelve days end, we'll decide from there."

Holy shit what just happened?

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