17: PJ Ligouri and The Cabin In The Woods

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It was 3 o'clock when we stumbled across a cottage in a clearing.

"Is this it?" Dan asked. The wood mailbox had the right numbers as Shane had written.

"God I hope so," I muttered. We walked up to the solid door and I knocked loudly.

There was a bit of rushing and footsteps coming from inside until the door opened to a man with unruly brown hair under a bright halo and green eyes that were so sad. He was wearing all black.

"Are you the archangel, PJ?" I asked.

"What the hell do you want, Reaper?" He spat.

"Whoa, okay, we're just here because Shane said you could help us-"

The man started crying a bit at the mention of Shane.

"What? What's happened?" I asked, concerned.

"You didn't hear the news?" He sniffled.

"Ah, what?"

He sighed and jerked with his head, letting the front door widen so we could enter.

The cottage was small but very cozy. The kitchen had many teacups laying around and the living room had overstuffed chairs in various shades. The kitchen table was old and each chair was different. Two doors were closed leading off to what I assumed was a bathroom and bedroom.

The man, PJ I presumed at this point, lead us to the kitchen table and we sat. He sat across from us and sighed before sliding a newspaper to us.

It was a paper I'd never read, The Angel Times and the front cover was a photo of Shane with the headline 'Angel Shane Dawson Murdered By Reapers'.

"Oh my God," Dan said.

"Watch it. That's my dad you're talking about. But, I know. It's a big deal. Reapers are getting out of control. Want to wipe us out. We can't have that."

"It's not all reapers. There were these guys in the woods and-" Dan is cut off by PJ's hand being raised.

"Yeah. And the government. I read your story, Phil Lester. You were given twelve days to rebirth this kid. You know how long the rebirthing process takes?"

I shook my head.

"Thirteen days. You've been set up. By who? Reapers. Checkmate, care for some tea?"

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