15: Trouble, Trouble and Make It Double!

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We kept walking a bit, but when we could clearly see people surrounding the blue fire, we darted behind trees.

There were five people, all wearing long black cloaks that hid any distinct features. I couldn't even tell the genders of the strangers.

"Nine. Nine angels down in one night." Said one in a deep voice.

"What a record! What a honor!" Said another.

"Shut up." A third said. His voice sounded familiar.

"We could've made it ten, but you didn't want to kill him." Sassed the second.

"No. Not yet. We have to make a statement. That we're not to be crossed." The third said darkly.

"When?" The first asked.

"When the light hits. Hang him by the city hall flagpole and take away his halo. Break it. Rip each feather out of his wings until he is nothing. Kill him. I refuse to." The third sighed as if thinking of a fond memory. "We go back."

"You and angel filth from the Heavens-" the forth said.

"Young man, I'm from the Heavens so watch your mouth." The third said seriously.

"Was." The last said finally.

Dan took in a sharp breath and moved, causing a twig to snap. Five heads snapped over to us.

"We have company." The third said.

"Run," I said. "Run as fast as you can." I gave Dan the address.

We stood and Dan ran, his black clothes blending him in very well so no one really focused on him.

"Phil Lester. The man of the hour." The first said.

"You do not hold the privilege to utter my name," I said, glaring at the cloaked strangers.

"Fiesty for a Reaper who makes so many mistakes." They were getting closer with each word.

"Who even are you people? Reapers?"

The third laughed. "Reapers. Yes. But we're the villains of your story, Philly. We clean the streets of angels. Filth."

"That's illegal! Reapers and Angels live in peace! You're going to start a war!"

"And a war it shall be! Angels dying by the hundreds, Reapers victorious! Join us, Phil Lester. Join the hunt." The third put his hand out to me.

"Fuck you and your war." I spat before running.

How I Accidentally Killed Dan Howell || PhanNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ