1- Reaper History

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Most books don't really start like this, but I feel I have to write down the story of how I accidentally killed Dan Howell. It was an accident, I swear.

And maybe one day lots of people will read my book and most likely laugh at my misfortune, so you can laugh along at home too if you want. Don't worry. I won't know.


My name is Phil Lester and I come from a long line of very fine grim reapers. No, I don't wear a black cloak or carry around a stabbing utensil. Though, if I did I think I'd get to skip ahead in the lines at Starbucks.

No, I look like a normal sixteen-year-old boy. Most people don't even know I'm a Reaper.

And you're all thinking of stereotypical reapers and Black Butler now, aren't you? I should clear a bit up for you.

Reapers send people on their way. We have a list, a daily quota if you will. Death tells us where to go, and we follow obediently. 

Make sense so far?

Reapers also decide if you should go to heaven or hell. It's a common misconception, but we do decide. Usually, a person will go to heaven or hell right away, but sometimes they stay as a ghost if they have unfinished business. I don't know who decides these things. 

Ahhhhhhh a new book on a Tuesday?!?!

Idk this is pretty good so far, right?

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