12: If The Devil Wears Prada, God Must Wear Gucci

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"You know I'm sorry," I mumbled, walking next to Dan later that night.

"Yeah, I know." A sigh.

"How will we find an angel?" Dan asked meekly.

"I know a guy. C'mon."

We hurried along the cold streets to a rinky-dink bar called The Devil Wears Prada.

"Interesting name," commented Dan.

I ignored him and went inside, him following me.

The place was definitely not tonight's hotspot, with only a few customers and one old bartender.

"I'm looking for Him and I'm not leaving till we've talked," I shouted. Everyone looked at me with either fear or humor as the old bartender smiled with three teeth.

"Follow me, youngins."

He led us into the back room of the bar, down a long hallway with a creaky door at the end.

"He's in there. Talk all you like."

I thanked him and knocked on the door. I looked over at Dan, who looked terrified.

"Come in!" A cheerful drawled voice yelled from the other side. We entered.

The room had fancy white furniture everywhere. In fact, the who room was white. I looked over to a couch where the greatest Reaper I know sat in all white, a smile on his face.

"Philly! I've heard the news! And you brought him along!"

"Yes. We're looking for help, Tyler."

Tyler smiled bigger. "My help. To find an angel?"

"Yes. Please, we're desperate."

Tyler giggled. "Yas, I can call a few souls. I know of quite a grumpy, yet humorous and helpful angel. I can call him over."

"Yes, please. Can he rebirth?"

"'Fraid not. He's just a regular old angel. No archangel, ya know? But I'm sure he knows a guy." Tyler removed his phone from his skin-tight jeans and typed a bit.

"Shane'll be here in a bit. Make yourselves at home, for the meantime."

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