FrUkUs part I don't care anymore

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Next day I was too embarrassed to even get out of bed. I just stayed there, covering my face with the blankets, blushing like some schoolgirl with a crush. I didn't know if Francis was still here or not, but for sure he wasn't in my room. If I remember correctly, we were...oh may God, we were doing it on the ground, or was it on my bed? I really don't remember, but what I did remember was the part with...I don't even wanna go there this early in the mourning.
Just when I thought I was alone, I heard something falling from the other room, probably from the kitchen judging from the metallic sound. I sprung up startled, then a thought crossed my mind.
"I swear, if that French frog is doing me breakfast, I swear I'll smack the living frying pan out of him! I hate cheesy romantic stuff, its even worse knowing he's French and cheese is literally in his veins." I whispered under my nose and opened the door with a loud thud, only to realise that I was still naked and Francis was just standing there, starring.
"Oh, good mourning?" He said and looked down there. "I see he's happy to see me too." A smirk appeared on his face and I immediately shut the door again and my face turned a bright red.
"I'll kill him. I'll definitely kill him." I muttered and quickly put some pant on before leaving the room again. "Forget what happened." I said and sat on the chair.
"I made breakfast." Francis said and put an omelette in front of me.
"Your French is showing." I said and started immediately to chow down my food.
"Of course, mon ami. My name is Francis, practically France is in my name and therefore I should make it worthy and prove my frenchness. " He  said and kissed me gently on my cheek.
"Knowing you, I thought you'll kiss me on the lips without my permission." I said that while whipping my cheek clean.
"I don't wanna sound rude, but mourning breath?"
"It's good that you're being considered about me."
"That was for me, by the way... I don't want to faint in the middle of the mourning." He said and made a dramatic fall with a sigh.
"One more word and you're dead, you hear me? Twat..." I said.
"What if I did say another word?"
"Are you deaf, or just being plain stupid..." I was about to say something when Francis suddenly pulled me and pushed me on the couch.
I though that that will happen again, but what followed was much worse.

This was a tickle war that apparently I'm  loosing.

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