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Natsuhime: Yo! Guys, give me a hetalia ship and I'll make those two idiots react to it or rate it, whatever.
Bulgaria: Hey! *pout*
Egypt:......do you want to die?
Natsuhime: I'm already dead inside.
Egypt: Not as much as me!
Bulgaria: No need to test how dead you are. *pushes me and Egypt apart* So, you wanna know our opinion on a particular ship?
Natsuhime: Yeah.
Macedonia:*whispers in my ear* Do you remember last time?
Natsuhime: *whispers back* Yeah, but I hope they got better....I think?
Macedonia: Them and getting better, ha! What a good joke!
Natsuhime: You're right T.T

Btw, there's gonna be a new fanfic *shouts of joy in the distance* ....in the near future, but I wanna make you guess who it's gonna be!
Oh, little tip: *whispers really quiet* it's a threesome....
Yey..... 😅😅😅😅
.are my emojies seen?

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