DenNor and Iceland. ..

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What do you think of a story where Norway has extreme magical powers and one day he loses control over them when Denmark dies and he leaves little Iceland alone. Then Iceland goes to this journey to find his only parent and discovers that he has the same magic but hides them from other people, but once he sees Norway trapped in a crystal(probably) , he loses control over them and goes to rampage. He tries to free him, but isn't capable to do so, but then he hears a song from inside the crystal and thats how both of them communicated. One day, a group of people when to check up on Norway and Iceland finds out thats those were his captures and he tries desperately to win against them, but he isn't strong enough.......
Idk what happens in between that, but I have the thought that when Iceland finally freed Norway, he discovered that his parent has lost his capability to talk, so by a song (melody) Norway tells him that he loves him.
Btw, the melody was the same one that Denmark used to play to Norway on the violin..
So what do you think? *^*

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