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I can see the bright moon gazing down at us from a distance. Its light was bright, making it easier for me to see Arthur's face.
As I looked closer, it hadn't changed a bit since I last saw it. The same green eyes, blond hair and fair skin. I wanted to touch every inch of him. Even though we spent a couple of days together, its as if now was the first time that I saw him in ages.
I pulled his face closer to mine and our lips met in a fearsome kiss. I wanted to embrace him so hard, I thought he'll leave me again to the curse of time.
I felt Arthur's fingers undressing me, revealing me to the light of the moon. As I was panting and he was kissing the nick of my neck, I looked to the side, my vision blury, and saw a small white rabbit. It was headed to the pound in the end of the garden. I wanted to see what will the rabbit do, but a loud gasp escaped my mouth and I looked towards the night sky.
"I want to hear your voice louder." Arthur said in a whisper. He looked at me and then he kiised me gently on the lips. He was rough and gentle at the same time. It was driving me insane, but I loved every second of it.
All of a sudden he stopped and I looked at him confused.
"Tell me," he said , mischief swirling in his eyes,"tell me, where do you want me to touch you."
I felt my skin go red and my member was tight in my pants. I tried to hide it with my hand, but Arthur pulled me hand away and put it above my head. One of his hands was above me, securing my other hand from going to my member, and the other one was beside me, supporting his body.
He looked me in the eyes and smiled. "Tell me." He said.
"Here." I said.
"Not enough."
I bit my lip and smiled.
"Are you sure, because I don't feel like you want to be touched there." He said, then shrugged and kissed me passionatly.
He trailed kisses down my neck and then I felt his lips on one of my nipples. He sucked at it and then he bit me gently, making me groan.
"Yeah, that's the bloody voice I need!" He said roughly and with a quick swift move, he undressed us completely and possitioned himself between my legs.
Suddenly I felt two of his fingers in my mouth.
"Suck." He simply said and I did as he said. I could not help myself, but to moan every now and then and because of that, I can feel his member pushing against mine.
Arthur pulled away his fingers and roughly shuved them in my butthole. A groan escaped my throat, but it was silenced by a kiss.
He moved gently inside me, making me ready for him member and when the time finally came, I was still unprepared. When he entered me, I wanted to scream. I felt pain, but the strange thing is that I felt hot pleasure at the same time. When he moved inside me, every time he pushed himself in, a moan would leave me. I didn't want for it to finish, but I could feel my self cuming. It wad as if a rope was tightened around me and now its loose.
My fluids were on Arthur's chest and soon after I came, I could feel that my insides became warmer and something hot was filling me inside....
I love you.

Hetalia Ships/ Randomness [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now